[Metro Santa Cruz This Week]

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newspaper cover For the Week of
November 3-10, 1999

Literary Quarterly
Life Weaver: For Santa Cruz novelist Lynn Stegner, story gives birth to style.

Escaping From the Labyrinth: Robin Magowan recalls a life of leisure, verse and strife in 'Memoirs of a Minotaur.'

Between the Lines: Iranian-Americans speak in verse and prose in new anthology, 'A World Between.'

A Human Side Of Hitler? In 'Hitler's Niece,' the terrible leader of the Third Reich is just a man--however dysfunctional.

Rush of Fortune: A young woman confronts cultural conflicts in Isabelle Allende's new novel, 'Daughter of Fortune.'

Dare to Square: Bruce Bratton on why a hip downtown needs a public square.

Heads Up: Upcoming events of note for Santa Cruz, Nov. 4-9.

Get Smart: Chaos Lounge stays in control of the Santa Cruz music scene with a fun-loving attitude and a hooky indie-pop sound.

Music Be Damned: Legendary Santa Cruz bluegrass and old-time music band the Hot Damn String Band brings together a literary lineup for its annual Bookshop Santa Cruz gig.

Sights and Sounds: Switchblade Symphony gets into the Halloween spirit and makes like a ghost for Kresge Town Hall show.

Notes From the Underground: Riff Raff turns out a monster set headlining a spooky Brookdale Lodge lineup.

Old-Fangled Invention: Sampling the ravishing raviolis at Aragona's in Soquel.

A La Carte: A Day of the Dead altar at Tortilla Flats evokes memories of meals past.

Head Case: Inventive film 'Being John Malkovich' turns a gimmick into surreal farce.

King Zahn: The weasel's weasel, Steve Zahn, enlivens Mark Illsley's 'Happy, Texas.'

[Staff Box]
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