Getting Better All the Time
Every year, as spring starts to look like a reality and not just a promise, Metro Santa Cruz pauses to figure out what it is that keeps us here: Is the sunny weekends in winter (ah, scratch that); is it the civility and absence of strife in local politics (hmmm--maybe not); is it the freedom from the kind of rush-hour gridlock that afflicts the Bay Area (we'll have plenty of time to think about that on the drive home).
Nope. Must be the coffeehouses. Any place where you can't go half a block without sniffing the beckoning aroma of a fresh-pulled cup of espresso is a place worth putting down some serious roots.
So, for the fifth year in a row, our writers have filled their thermoses with Santa Cruz Blend and gone searching for the people, places and events that make our county unique. Running alongside their eclectic Critics' Choices are the picks made by the real experts: You, the readers.
We received a torrent of Goldies ballots this year. The Gold, Silver and Bronze winners cover 137 categories, from Best Bakery to Best Place to Watch the Sunset, just one of the many things that make tempting the fates on the Fish Hook all worth it.
--Michael S. Gant
Best People & Places
Readers' Choice Awards
Critics' Choice Awards
Best Food, Drink & Services
Readers' Choice Awards
Critics' Choice Awards
Best Music, Arts & Sports
Readers' Choice Awards
Critics' Choice Awards
Critics' Choices:
Traci Hukill, Karina Ioffee, Matt Koumaras, Kelly Luker, Tai Moses, Morgan Pershing, Sarah Phelan, Karen Reardanz, Mary Spicuzza, Marty Stevens, Sharan Street, Christina Waters and John Yewell
Design and Production:
Marty Stevens, Bob Gower and Shannon Stillman
Grammatical Special Effects:
Carol Bee
Price Waterhouse Stand-ins:
Melissa Blair and Evan Willey
Special Thanks:
Adam Cone, Stuart Stair and Tami Roadarmel
George Sakkestad and Scott Lechner
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