Guide to Aptos

Aptos is Capitola’s inland cowboy boots-wearing cousin, also charming, with a few bars and eateries and a Western feel thanks to the picturesque Bayview Hotel. Aptos Village is the gateway to Nisene Marks State Park, and the Aptos Village Park hosts the Santa Cruz Blues Festival each Memorial Day weekend. Extending from the coast to the redwoods in the middle of Santa Cruz County, the unincorporated area of Aptos is also home to Seacliff State Beach, Rio Del Mar State Beach and numerous restaurants and shops. More

Scenes from Aptos
Capitola BeachPolar Bear Ice Cream in CapitolaTowards the Paradise Beach RestaurantCalifornia moments, Sunrise morning run Aptos Beach, Santa Cruz.California momentsCalifornia moments, gone fishing241005 6Capitola 10

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