By asking the question ‘what are we eating?,’ Reid claims she’s been able to completely manage her daughter Brooke’s autism.
Posts Tagged: Wellness
How to Combat Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is strongly correlated with a myriad of health problems, from allergies and depression to the three main killers of Western society: cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. It may sound overwhelming, but according to licensed naturopathic doctor Aimee Shunney, there’s a lot we can do about the chronic inflammation problem.
The Joy of Zumba
It all started by accident. Alberto “Beto” Perez showed up to teach an aerobics class in Cali, Columbia, and forgot his traditional aerobics music. So he improvised with some mix tapes of salsa and merengue music he had in his backpack. The class went wild for the resulting workout, and Zumba was born.
How Fermented Foods Keep Us Healthy
Fermented foods have been part of the human diet since long before we discovered the microscopic bacteria responsible for their production. But just how crucial is incorporating fermented food into our diets?
Going Gluten-Free
I’ve never been one to ignore the bread basket. On the contrary, I’m usually the first to dive, shamelessly, to uncover the warm and satisfying lumps swaddled inside. The height of irresistibility, for me, lies in the chewy, dark-crusted loaves of New York City’s East Village restaurants—sliced, steaming, into thick and spongey slabs to be dabbed with butter or pushed through a drizzle of olive oil.
Essential Oil Therapy Can Reduce Stress
The philosophy of Christine Nickell’s practice, Botanical Reflexology, grounds itself in the fact that, in some estimations, 75 percent of diseases are caused by stress. She uses a harmonious blend of two healing modalities—essential oil therapy, or plant medicine, and reflexology, which can be traced as far back as 2033 B.C.
UCSC Professor Shares Insight on Dreams
Whole days can be flavored by the chatter of a dream receding into the depths of the subconscious. But how can something so easy to forget carry enough weight to define an entire day, or inspire a victorious outlook for the week to come? And what purpose do dreams serve in our mental well-being?
Local Health Expert Publishes Cookbook
In Ayurveda, every human being is a unique composition of three vital bio-energies called doshas—Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The cookbook includes a chart to help you discern your dominant dosha, as well as a key above each recipe explaining how it balances, pacifies and decreases each dosha.
Standing Desks Improve Health & Life Expectancy
Sitting. It seems as innocent and natural as breathing or sipping a cup of tea. And yet, some health experts warn that too much of it could be deadly. Most people understand the connection between obesity and poor health, and the importance of being physically active every day. But public health guidelines rarely mention the importance of reducing sitting time—even if you’re active—and they probably should.
Bioenergy Practitioner Helps Clients Find Authentic Selves
Dr. Bradley Nelson, holistic physician and author of The Emotion Code believes barriers resulting from traumas—what he calls “heart walls”—limit our ability to connect with our true selves and honor our true desires.