In defense of the Great Morgani’s downtown artistry
Posts Tagged: Posts
Letters to the Editor, Mar. 27 - April 2
Readers write-in about the MAH, the Tannery, the crime wave and Tom Tomorrow in this mixed bag of letters.
Letters to the Editor, Feb. 27 - Mar. 5
A client of recent “Wellness” subject Dr. Shunney, writes in to share what diet changes saved his life. Meanwhile, “Tom Tomorrow” offends a reader, and everyone agrees ending homelessness is a good idea.
Letters to the Editor, Feb. 20-26
Reader responses to Needle Exchange, the city’s LED street lights and how a former San Lorenzo Valley resident and frequent attendant at county supervisorial meetings would have reacted to a recent change to the LAFCO panel.
Letters to the Editor, Feb. 6-12
Readers write-in about fine dining, facial hair and tap water.
Letters to the Editor, Jan. 30-Feb. 5
Readers share their responses to a recent story on the local fine dining scene, which discussed the closing of Le Cigare Volant Restaurant.
Letters to the Editor: Jan. 23-29
I am a local wine broker representative and have had my profile pictured in these pages. I have seen way too many restaurants fold over my 30 years in the business, and three years running a wine bar. My take on the restaurant scene is this: “Santa Cruz is the land of the bottom feeders.” People here do not spend, either because they cannot or will not. It is a way of life here.
Letters to the Editor, Jan. 16-22
Much love for John Craigie, not as much for disruptive library patrons and President Obama.
Letters to the Editor, Dec. 26 - Jan. 1
News flash: “Not all white males are racist, sexist or conservative,” insists a reader. Others address an error in a recent film review and Bill Gates’ weaselly, money grubbing ways.
Letters to the Editor, Dec. 12-18
Readers responses to the city’s new LED lights and the Weekly’s recent pit bull story