Film festival documentary follows the Palo Alto High School grad, Jeremy Lin, and his struggles to overcome adversity on and off the basketball court, from his childhood through his professional career.
Posts Tagged: Pacific Rim Film Festival
Preview: Pac Rim’s ‘UPAJ’
UPAJ:Improvise creates a whole new dance form, one which unapologetically fuses two traditions that were never meant to meet.
Pacific Rim Film Festival Turns 25
What started as Jim and Jeanne Houston’s quirky pet project has become a Santa Cruz institution.
Fall Arts in Santa Cruz
Art in film, canvass, stage, pen and even fire — every kind of art from every corner of Santa Cruz.
5 Must-See Films at Pacific Rim Fest
In our article on this year’s Pacific Rim Film Festival, we looked at three documentaries by filmmakers with local roots. Here are five more films to love at this year’s festival, Oct. 19-24.
Tragedy and Triumph At Pacific Rim Film Festival
Only a handful of the selections in this year’s Pacific Rim Film Festival are by filmmakers with local roots, and perhaps it’s merely coincidence that they are among the best. But what’s uncanny is the synchronicity in play among three of them—Where Heaven Meets Hell, The Power of Two and Playing With Fire. In separate interviews, the people behind the films sometimes even echo each other when they speak about how they achieved these three very different and yet strangely connected, truly compelling portraits.