A Dance Video A Week

Daniel Mollner's definition of dance has broadened since he began his yearlong project. (KatKimDesign.com)

Filmmaker Daniel Mollner waited over four decades before calling himself a dancer. Now he’s making up for lost time. “It’s almost like this slingshot thing,” Mollner says. “After years of resisting and being afraid to call myself a dancer, there’s all this pent-up energy. I’ve been holding back for so long.”

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Our Fringe Festival Picks

Open Source Theater Project presents, "Flesh" at Motiv (Photo by Rebecca Stark)

This Friday marks the first day of the ten-day long Santa Cruz Fringe Festival, a celebration of offbeat, anything-goes artistic performance. All week the artists have been preparing their shows for performance and generally fluttering around town in a haze of excitement and stage makeup. Santa Cruz Weekly was able to sneak preview some of the 42 shows and noticed several buzz-worthy performers we can’t wait to see in full Fringe regalia.

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