We need your help! Volunteer at Earth Day Santa Cruz. Go to scearthday.org/volunteer to sign up! Earth Day Santa Cruz is an annual event to raise environmental awareness; address concerns; showcase solutions; and present balanced modes of living for the well-being of each individual, the community, and the planet. It is a day to celebrate our natural resources…
Posts Tagged: Ecology Action
Fall Bike to Work Celebrates Year 14
Ecology Action and cyclists around the county are gearing up for fall Bike to Work Day with 15 public breakfast sites from Santa Cruz from Watsonville to Santa Cruz. Some sites even offer basic bike maintenance, acupuncture and massages.
Fundraiser Lends Hand to Student Bike Programs
Bobby D. Richardson has been working on bikes for 33 years, but he didn’t start teaching people about them until September. Now the former bike mechanic instructs students at Scotts Valley High School in how to work on bikes, thanks to joint funding from the Santa Cruz County Office of Education and Project Bike Trip, a nonprofit that’s gearing up for a bike-a-thon fundraiser on behalf of students next month.
Five Ways to Enjoy Earth Day Weekend Outdoors
This Earth Day weekend might leave you itching to tackle something more fulfilling than watching reruns of Planet Earth or your DVD of Fern Gully. Here are our picks for a few ways to play outside, get your hands dirty and make a difference on behalf of our well-rounded mother this year.