Forum Explores Water Swap Scenario

John Ricker, director of the Santa Cruz County Water Resources Program. Photo by Chip Scheuer.

Engineers for Water Alternatives is hosting a June 14 forum about conjunctive use, also known as water swapping, which is currently being studied by the county. The possible swap would involve pumping the San Lorenzo River’s surplus flows to other places in the county. The idea has made county water resource director John Ricker, who leads the study, quite popular with desal opponents—even though Ricker has doubts that this is the game-changer environmentalists have been awaiting.

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Council Agrees to Hold Desal Vote No Sooner Than June 2014

Mayor Don Lane. Photo by Chip Scheuer.

The city’s discussion of desalination took another surprise turn at the Feb. 28 Santa Cruz City Council meeting. The change has to do with two competing plans from activists and city officials to put desalination to a vote. Originally it looked like the plan advanced by Mayor Don Lane and Councilmember David Terrazas would call for a vote in 2013, while the activists’ measure would call for a vote in 2014, a delay that Lane insisted could cost the city millions of dollars.

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Debate on Desal and Growth Coming to Head

Stormy seas lie ahead for proponents of the city’s plan to build a desalination plant, and the name of the thunderhead is UC-Santa Cruz. On March 7, the Santa Cruz County Local Agency Formation (LAFCO) decides whether or not to extend water rights for the university’s proposed expansion into the North Campus natural reserve area.

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CORRECTED: City, Activists Stand by Separate Desal Initiatives

Mayor Don Lane says November 2014 is too long to wait to hold an election on a desalination plant. Photo by Chip Scheuer.

When Santa Cruz Mayor Don Lane read local activists’ ballot initiative to put desal to a vote, he says one thing caught his attention. It had to do with timing. Lane agrees with a host of activists that Santa Cruz voters should weigh in on whether or not to build a $100 million-plus desalination plant on the Westside to increase the fresh water supply. But they agree on little else—including when to hold the vote.

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Lane and Terrazas Want Desal Ballot Measure

It might be an overstatement to say Santa Cruz’s discussion over desalination has been blown out of the water, but it definitely just changed. Mayor Don Lane and Councilmember David Terrazas will propose an ordinance at the next city council meeting that would put a desal plant to a vote sooner rather than later, as outlined in a statement released Wednesday, Feb. 15.

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