With a difference of just 26 votes separating them on election night, the vice-tight race between Eric Hammer and Bruce McPherson for Fifth District Supervisor is still ongoing, with election results still being counted. “We’re plugging away here every day and on track to certify by Dec. 4,” said County Clerk Gail Pellerin.
Posts Tagged: Bruce McPherson
Eric Hammer Admits Falsifying Credentials
On an application to the County of Santa Cruz Treasury Oversight Commission from 2011, current Fifth District Supervisor candidate Eric Hammer listed a Bachelor’s of Science degree from San Francisco State in 2000 as one of his credentials. The only problem? He doesn’t have one.
Letters to the Editor: Oct 31-Nov 6
Voters show a little love for local candidates like Don Lane. On the national level, it’s Mitt Romney our readers have some trouble with.
Letters to the Editor: Oct 17-23
Readers weigh in with some health skepticism. They discuss possible treatments for depression and the tricky games of the upcoming election.
Hammer Campaign Pledges to Keep Clean
The supervisor’s race isn’t just getting personal. This time, it’s…hypothetical. The Weekly received a press release from the Eric Hammer for 5th District Supervisor campaign that reads, “Both my opponent and I signed the Code of Fair Campaign Practices pledging to run a clean campaign and I am sticking by my pledge. I challenge him to do the same and to denounce any negative campaign activities.”
Letters to the Editor: Oct 10-16
Local elections have people abuzz. So, where do our readers stand on desalination, the district 5 supervisor race and Prop. 32?
McPherson Wins Keeley Endorsement
District 5 County Supervisor candidate and former Secretary of State Bruce McPherson raised eyebrows from Boulder Creek to Zayante (and beyond; it was statewide news) when he dropped his affiliation with the Republican Party shortly after a tough primary against Democratic Party–backed Eric Hammer.