Cover Story: Razing California:
In SC's mountains, a new logging controversy pits a utility company against residents and redwoods.
Nüz: About Last Night Again; Community TV Goes Digital; Match This.
Rev: Ford said that the Volvo portion of the company will continue to advertise in the gay media. It seems like a smart move to market to gay people, considering that the gay market is actually very family oriented, thank you.
Big Fella: 'King Kong': Beauty kills the beast, but beauty makes him alive, too.
Tea Garden: Rob Marshall's adaptation of 'Memoirs of a Geisha' offers more snooze than sizzle.
The SCUM Also Rises: The WikiSCUM indexes the history of Santa Cruz Underground Music.
Breakfast of Champions: Felton's La Bruschetta offers a welcome respite from the bustle of local breakfast spots.
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