News: Nüz
Town hall meeting and a panel discussion focus on race relations.
Bruce Bratton: River Street sign; Shaffer Road development; this week's movies.
DIY Dress-Up: There's no excuse for failing to come up with an original Halloween costume.
The Fright Stuff: A guide to ghoulish and garish happenings around Santa Cruz this Halloween.
Bad Bunny: The unbalanced 'Donnie Darko' forestalls the end of the world.
Saucy Jack: 'From Hell' is an atmospheric but vague retelling of the Jack the Ripper legend.
Web Exclusive: Smash Mouth had plenty to celebrate at the Catalyst last Tuesday.
Well-Traveled Tracks: Bob Dylan's new album may be good, but it's preaching to the choir.
Sights & Sounds: Denmark's Nekomantix cancels U.S. tour; Tiger Army steps in to fill the psychobilly void.
Southern Lights: An Aptos bistro offers a splendidly seasoned glimpse at refined regional American cookery.
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