[Metro Santa Cruz This Week]

[Staff Box]
[Silicon Valley]
[San Francisco]


The Guide to Santa Cruz


Best of Santa Cruz


Bars, Clubs & Cafes

newspaper cover For the Week of
September 26-October 3, 2001

Cover: The Guide
Neon locks, surly roomies, spam busters, budget eats; Metro Santa Cruz experts tell all.

News: Is Bigger Better?
UCSC could learn a lesson from the humble banana slug.

Nüz: The San Lorenzo river mouth.

Bruce Bratton: Experts respond to the terrorist acts on the East Coast.

Work: In Utopia.

Love and Destruction: Drugs, murder and romance thrive in a place of despair.

Weeds: 'Greenfingers' is an underfertilized comedy about convict gardening.

Indie Power: Big Bang Festival brings underground sounds to light for 10 days.

Sights & Sounds: Sneaky as ever, the Creekans put street style to work on their new album.

To Thai For: A sudden windfall of tasty Thai cuisine descends upon downtown Santa Cruz with delicious results.

Word of Mouth: Zanotto's, Santa Cruz' family-owned store, has a new look--and hot panini.

[Staff Box]
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