[Metro Santa Cruz This Week]

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The Guide to Santa Cruz


Best of Santa Cruz


Bars, Clubs & Cafes

For the Week of
September 25-October 2, 2002

Cover: Student Survival 2002
Secret Societies: After years on the fringe, UCSC's Greek system makes a push for the mainstream.

School Bites: It's not that you're cheap, it's just that you just don't have a humongous dining budget. Relax--we can help.

Mandatory Slug Testing: Out come the freaks and freshfolk at this year's Slugfest.

Wild Wild Life: The savage truth about UCSC: It's a jungle out there

You're Soaking In It! The reopening of Esalen marks the continuing tradition of the ultimate student getaway.

News: Nüz
WAMM makes its case at City Hall.

Bruce Bratton: Soquel celebrates its 150th birthday; Santa Cruz cancels First Night.

I Wanna See You Bali Dance: The new UCSC Arts & Lectures season brings a world's worth of culture to the city on a hill.

Welcome to The Machine: Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis' is restored to its full power for newest re-release.

Not Fully Contained: The return of the Burning Man Film Festival can ease the post-playa blues.

Bad Times For Good Works: The Santa Cruz Symphony is at an artistic high point as it opens its new season--but can it beat the current classical music funk?

The Rock Show: More Bang for Three Bucks.

Slow Boat To Tokyo: Sushi boats loaded with maguro and hamachi sail into a prime Santa Cruz location.

[Staff Box]
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