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Ex Libris
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Atlantis Fantasyworld--Superhero and fantasy comics, graphic novels and independently published genre novels; plus action figures and our favorite magazine, Wrapped in Plastic, guide to the Twin Peaks legacy. Mon.-Tue. 10am-6pm; Wed.-Sat. 10am-7pm; Sun. 11am-6pm.
Baytree Bookstore--Textbooks, reference and general-interest titles; assortment of school supplies and UCSC insignia merchandise. Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30; Sat. 10am-4pm.
The Book Loft--This Seabright-area used bookshop carries both familiar and hard-to-find titles; it's sandwiched between Bea's Koffee Kup and the Rio Theater. Mon. 10am-6pm; Tue.-Sat. till 10pm; Sun. noon-6pm.
Book Nook at the Goodwill--Used paperbacks and lots of Reader's Digest volumes. Daily 10am-6pm; Thu.-Fri. till 8pm.
Bookshop Santa Cruz--Feisty independent bookseller (fought Crown Books and won) has new titles (and, starting in October, some used), sale books, a large children's book alcove and a periodical section with international newspapers and magazines. The store hosts an active series of readings. Daily 9am-11pm.
Bookworks--A gathering place for Aptos locals and Cabrillo denizens. New books, special orders, greeting cards, a book-rental program and a small cafe that's the best secret-study nook in Aptos. Mon.-Sat. 9am-9pm; Sun 10am-5pm.
Boulder Creek Book Company--New and used titles. Daily 10am-6pm; closed Tue.-Wed.
Cabrillo College Bookstore--Textbooks, reference books and school supplies, Cabrillo logo merchandise, software and computers. Mon.-Thu. 8am-6:30pm; Fri. till 2pm.
Capitola Book Cafe--New and sale books, plus a selection of cards, journals and calendars, and out-of-area periodicals. Regular author readings; espresso bar with sweet treats. Daily 8am-10:30pm.
Chimney Sweep Books--Used, out-of-print, rare and antiquarian books. By appt. only.
Club House Comics & Cards--Comic books, graphic novels, sci-fi magazines and pricing guides for collectibles and sports cards. Mon-Sat. 10am-7pm; Sun. 11am-5pm.
Comicopolis--Xena headquarters, located in Branciforte Plaza. Open daily.
Crossroads--This small but well-stocked general-interest shop offers a used-paperback exchange. Daily 10am-8pm, Sun. 11am-5pm.
Crown Books--National chain is selling off stock in preparation to close this store. 10am-10pm, daily till the books are gone.
Frenchy's Adult Books--One-stop shopping for adult books, magazines, videos and novelties. Sun.-Thu. 10:30am-midnight; Fri.-Sat. till 1am.
Gateways Book & Gift--Metaphysical literature and Eastern philosophy in a welcoming setting. Tarot cards, incense, alternative-healing books, CDs and cassettes. Daily 10am-9pm.
Guardian of the Redeemer--This heart-stirringly named Roman Catholic book and gift shop specializes in St. Joseph. Daily 11:30am-2pm.
Herland Women's Book-Cafe--Books by, for and about women plus gifts, crafts and art cards by local female artists. Author readings and other events. Daily 10am-6pm.
The Literary Guillotine--A scholar's haven for academic books and university press titles and out-of-print tomes. Also carries books for selected UCSC courses. Mon.-Thu. 10am-6pm; Fri.-Sat. 10am-8pm; Sun. 11am-5pm.
Logos Books & Records--One can lose hours in this literary landmark; two levels of used/new books, records, cassettes and CDs. Offers credit and/or cash for used books and CDs (bring ID). Daily 10am-10pm.
Mockingbird Books--High-quality used books with emphasis on art, music and rare titles. Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 10am-5pm.
Paper Vision--Tucked among the myriad calendars, cards and gifts are a few shelves of fine art books, photography collections and children's books. Daily 10am-6:30pm.
Seeds of Change--Santa Cruz's only bookstore catering to children's literature also offers tapes, musical instruments and a storytelling hour. Tue-Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 11am-5pm.
Sleepy Dragon Book Bistro--A modest but thoughtful selection, with attention given to the Monterey Bay and nautical themes. Daily 7am-7pm.
Slug Books--UCSC course books for more than 100 classes, guaranteed 5 percent under Baytree prices. Mon.-Fri. 10am-6pm (till 8pm first eight days of the quarter).
Thirteen--Books on magic, Wicca and astrology, plus candles, herbs, tarot cards and other tools of the craft. Tue.-Sat. noon-7pm; Sun. noon-5pm.
Triple C--Comics from DC, Marvel and Image as well as a host of indie publishers. Mon.-Fri. 11am-6:30pm; Sat. till 6pm; Sun. noon-4pm.
Westside Stories--This pun-loving used bookshop also carries cards, paintings and ceramics. Cash/trade for collections. Wed.-Sat. 10:30am-4pm; Sun.-Tue. till 6:30pm.
White Raven--This nook between the cafe and the patio stocks mostly titles on New Age concerns. Mon.-Fri. 6am-7pm; Sat.-Sun. 7am-7pm.
Zamzam--Books, tapes, CDs and magazines on Sufism. Tue.-Sun. 11am-6pm. [ Santa Cruz Week | MetroActive Central | Archives ]
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