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Santa Cruz is an activist nirvana. If you're looking to get involved in a social issue and can't find a group working on it here, it probably doesn't exist. But there are also some more-traditional avenues of political power to pursue, even if it just means keeping in touch with your elected representatives. This list will help direct you to both kinds, and a few in between you probably hadn't thought of. You'll also find here useful resources to help with housing, jobs, health care, registering to vote and a plethora of other needs.

(As this issue of The Guide goes to press, several elected offices in the county are being contested in the Nov. 3 election. Seats that will or may change hands at that time are indicated as follows: *=running for re-election; •=seat open but incumbent not running.)
--John Yewell

Elected Officials

Pete Wilson--State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814. 916/445-2864 (voice); 916/445-4633 (fax)

U.S. Senate
Dianne Feinstein--331 Hart Office Building, Washington, DC 20510; 202/224-3841525 Market St., Room 3670, San Francisco, 94105; 415/536-6868 senator@feinstein.senate.gov

*Barbara Boxer--112 Hart Senate Building, Washington, DC 20510; 202/224-35531700 Montgomery St., Suite 240, San Francisco, CA 94105; 415/403-0100 (voice); 415/956-6701 (fax) senator@boxer.senate.gov

Congress, District 15
*Tom Campbell (R-north county and Santa Clara County)--2442 Rayburn Office Building, Washington, DC 20515; 202/225-2631 (voice); 202/225-6788 (fax); 910 Campisi Way, Suite 1-C, Campbell, CA 95008; 408/371-7337 (voice); 408/371-7925 (fax) campbell@mail.house.gov

Congress, District 17
*Sam Farr, (D-Santa Cruz and south)--1117 Longworth Office Building, Washington, DC 20515; 202/225-2861 (voice); 202/225-6791 (fax); 380 Alvarado St., Monterey, CA 93940; 649-3555 samfarr@mail.house.gov

State Senate, District 15
Bruce McPherson (R-Santa Cruz)--3076 Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916/445-5843 (voice); 916/445-8081 (fax); 701 Ocean St., Room 318A, Santa Cruz, CA 95060; 454-3108 (voice); 425-5124 (fax); senator.mcpherson@senate.ca.gov

Assembly, District 27
*Fred Keeley (D-Santa Cruz County except Watsonville)--4139 State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916/445-8496 (voice); 916/445-1826 (fax); 701 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060; 425-1503 (voice); 454-3070 (fax); fred.keeley@assembly.ca.gov

Assembly, District 28
*Peter Frusetta (R-Watsonville)--4139 State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 ; 916/445-7380 (voice); 916/324-0986 (fax)321 First St., Suite A, Hollister, CA 95023; 408/636-4890 (voice); 408/636-4903 (fax) peter.frusetta@assembly.ca.gov

Board of Supervisors
All supervisors can be reached at the County Government Center, 701 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060; 831/454-2200 (voice); 831/454-3262 (fax). Meetings are held Tuesdays at 9am in room 525 of the county government center.

District 1: Jan Beautz (Live Oak, Soquel)
District 2: Walt Symons (Aptos, Capitola, La Selva Beach)
*District 3: Mardi Wormhoudt (Santa Cruz, Bonny Doon, Davenport)
*District 4: Ray Belgard (Watsonville)
District 5: Jeff Almquist (Felton, Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Scotts Valley)

Santa Cruz City Council
809 Center St., Room 10, Santa Cruz, CA 95060; 831/429-3550 (voice); 831/459-9359 (fax). Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 3:30 and 7pm.

•Celia Scott (mayor)
•Scott Kennedy (vice mayor)
•Mary Beth Campbell
Katherine Beiers
Michael Felix Hernandez
Michael Rotkin

Capitola City Council
420 Capitola Ave., Capitola, CA 95010; 831/475-7300 (voice); 831/479-8879 (fax). Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays at 7pm.

*Stephanie Harlan (mayor)
•Ron Graves
•Bob Garcia
Margaret Fabrizio
Tony Gualtieri

Watsonville City Council
215 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076; 831/728-6129 (voice); 831/728-9358 (fax). Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays, usually at 4 pm, but always again at 7:30pm.

District 1: Al Alcala
District 2: Oscar Rios (mayor pro tem)
•District 3: Lowell Hurst
•District 4: Todd McFarren
*District 5: Dennis Osmer (mayor)
District 6: Tony Campos
*District 7: Betty Bobeda

Scotts Valley City Council
One Civic Center Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066; 831/438-2324 (voice); 831/438-2793 (fax). Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays at 6pm.

*Stephany E. Aguilar (mayor)
Randy Johnson (vice mayor)
*Bart Cavallaro
Sheryl Ainsworth
Chuck Walker

Activist Groups & Resources

Student Groups
UCSC Student Organizations Advising and Resources--831/459-2934
UCSC Student Union Assembly--831/459-2899
Cabrillo Student Services--831/479-6317
Cabrillo Student Senate--831/479-6231

Social Services
Adelante Community Center--831/724-2997
Barrios Unidos--831/457-8208
Community Action Board--831/457-1741
Davenport Resource Center--831/425-8115
Familia Center--831/423-5747
Family Service Association--831/423-9444
Homeless Services Center--831/458-6020
Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom--831/423-4833
Homeless Garden Project--831/426-3609
Legal Aid Society of Santa Cruz Co.--831/724-2253
Mercy Charities Housing--831/471-1914
Salud Para La Gente--831/728-8250
Santa Cruz County Immigration Project--831/724-5667
Santa Cruz Needle Exchange--831/427-4557
Suicide Prevention Service--831/458-5300 (emergencies) 831/459-9373 (office)
Tenants' Rights Union--831/426-0644
Volunteer Center--831/427-5070

Action Santa Cruz--831/338-6013
Certified Organic Farmers--831/423-2263
Earth First!--831/425-3205
Ecology Action--831/427-1357
Environmental Council--831/454-1689
Farm Without Harm--831/728-9138
Save Our Shores--831/462-5660
Sierra Club--831/426-4453

Gender Issues

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgendered Community Center--831/425-5442
Triangle Speakers--831/425-3227
Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)--831/662-4780
Peace and Social Justice Conflict Resolution Center--831/685-3403
Resource Center for Non-Violence--831/423-1626
International Service for Peace (SIPAZ)--831/425-1257
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom--831/459-8078

Political Advocacy

Campaign for Budget Fairness--831/457-1741 x423
Derechos Humanos--831/722-8589
People's Democratic Club--831/479-0641
Regional Alliance for Progressive Policy--831/442-1649
Santa Cruz Action Network (SCAN)--831/458-9425

Political Parties

Democratic Central Committee--831/420-0546
Green Party--831/425-4499
Libertarian Party--831/338-4612
Natural Law Party--831/724-8980
Peace and Freedom Party--831/688-4268
Reform Party--831/408/353-9091
Republican Party--831/457-5125

Women's Issues

Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women--831/429-3546
Defensa de Mujeres--831/722-4532
National Organization for Women--831/335-7704
Planned Parenthood--831/426-5550
Pregnancy Testing and Counseling--831/454-4030
San Lorenzo Valley Women's Club--831/338-6578
Women's Commission--831/454-2772
Women's Crisis Support--831/477-4244
Women's Health Center--831/427-3500


Santa Cruz County Central Labor Council--831/633-1869

Info, Agencies & Advisory Bodies

General Information--831/454-2000
Affirmative Action Commission--831/454-2958
Aid to Families with Dependent Children--831/454-4010
AIDS Information--831/454-2437
Alcohol and Drug Program Administration--831/454-4050
Arts Commission--831/462-8300
Commission on Disabilities--831/454-2355
Committee for Economic Vitality--831/454-3412
Communicable Disease Coordinator--831/454-4114
Consumer Affairs--831/454-2050
County Parks--831/462-8300
District Attorney--831/454-2400
Domestic Violence Commission--831/454-2414
Energy Commission--831/454-2709
Environmental Health--831/454-2022
Fish and Game Advisory Commission--831/454-3165
Affordable Housing and Historical Resources--831/454-3132
Housing Authority--831/464-0170
Job Training Task Force--831/454-4080
Latino Affairs Commission--831/454-4058
Library Reference--831/429-3526
Local Child Care Planning Council--831/454-2102
Mental Health Advisory Board--831/454-4515
Voter Registration--831/454-2060 (TDD: 831/454-2123)
Bay Area Municipal Elections Committee (BAYMEC)--831/426-1494

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From the September 24-30, 1998 issue of Metro Santa Cruz.

Copyright © Metro Publishing Inc. Maintained by Boulevards New Media.