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For the Week of
April 27-May 4, 2005

Cover Story: Revisioning Santa Cruz:
Part 3 of a series. How Vision Santa Cruz made consensus-planning work in the post-earthquake years.

Nüz: A Tale of Two Protests; Reel Work; Purple Heart.

Rev: When Earth Attacks: You shouldn't abandon your car, unless there is no other option, and if you do, don't leave it in a traffic lane.

It's About the Human Condition, Baby!: The fourth annual Santa Cruz Film Fest focuses on questions of identity--at home, abroad and beyond.

Deaf Scot: 'Dear Frankie' gets you right in the haggis.

Free Birds: One man's love affair with San Francisco's wild parrots is a bittersweet love song to a city.

Magical Cusp: Pacific Rim Music Festival celebrates the birthday of musical wanderer Terry Riley.

The Rock Show: Matt Wilson; Palenque.

When Good Veggie People/Restaurants/Grocery Stores Go Bad: In which our vegetarian food columnist contemplates the eternal half empty/half full conundrum from a meatless perspective.

[Staff Box]
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