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For the Week of
February 8-15, 2006

Cover Story: Keep Cope Alive:
A last-ditch effort to save the Watsonville preschool turns into a bureaucratic community nightmare.

Nüz: Did You Get the Memo?

Desolation Row, Part 2: In Part 1, a former Metro staffer found chaos and desperation in his New Orleans homecoming. Now, the conclusion.

Rev: Though surveillance can be frustrating for paranoid people like me—I mean, what's next, tickets for jaywalking using facial-recognition patterns to identify us?—technology goes both ways.

Computer Lust: At last, Harrison Ford's 'Firewall' gives IT guys the movie they've been dying for.

Blue Light Special: Is Steven Soderbergh's 'Bubble' the future of filmmaking or just another speculative bubble?

Wes' World: Newly opened music venue E3 Playhouse overcomes the hurdles of city planning.

Revenge of the Power Trio: Pennsylvania's Pearls & Brass bring the noise and something more.

Müz: Hell's Angel.

A Golden Beginning: The Chinese New Year makes its auspicious debut at the Golden Buddha.

[Staff Box]
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