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For the Week of
January 25-February 1, 2006

Cover Story: 'Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World':
Actor/director Albert Brooks and Islamic comics in Santa Clara push the envelope.

Nüz: Unanswered Questions; Loud Mouth Regrets; Hooray for MLK.

Till Government Do Us Part: Santa Cruz's Linda Robinson and her partner were celebrating 13 years together when the California Supreme Court nullified their marriage. Now they fear domestic partner rights will be taken away.

Fair Factor: A campaign to raise the minimum wage citywide sends shock waves through the local business community.

Rev: New-Old Drivers.

Ploughman's Bunch: 'The Real Dirt on Farmer John' follows the row hoed by eccentric cultivator John Peterson.

Old-Time on the Edge: The Crooked Jades refuse to toe the bluegrass party line.

The Wasteland: Heather Rogers brings us a brief history of garbage.

To Grandmother's House We Go: Downhome atmosphere is the blue plate special at the Heavenly Cafe.

[Staff Box]
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