
County water officials have announced that they plan to loosen strict water rationing rules that have been in place since May.

County water officials have announced that they plan to loosen strict water rationing rules that have been in place since May. The regulations were intended to keep the Loch Lommond reservoir at 90 percent capacity. According to the officials, the rationing measure was a success, with the county saving as much as 1.5 million gallons of water per day.

Meanwhile, the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency is facing public opposition to its proposed new water fee. The fee is intended to raise the $10.5 million needed to keep the Agency operational. According to the proposed, two tiered system, people receiving water from the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency would pay one rate, while well-users would pay another rate. This is opposed by the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau, which claims that this would place an unfair burden on heavy water users such as local farmers.
Read More at KION and the Santa Cruz Sentinel

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