
Typing, texting Tony. Photo by Curtis Cartier.

Typing, texting Tony. Photo by Curtis Cartier.

City Councilman Tony Madrigal could find himself in hot water. On Aug. 30, a Highway Patrol officer stopped Madrigal for driving erratically in his Prius. According to police, he was driving north on Highway 1 near Mar Monte and Freedom Boulevard when another driver called 911 to report him. He was not speeding or driving drunk, police say; instead he was texting and typing on his laptop while driving, which was causing him to swerve between lanes and endanger other drivers. Madrigal was pulled over and ordered to appear in court for reckless driving, but he skipped his court date. A warrant was then issued for his arrest.

The warrant was later recalled, and Madrigal pleaded not guilty to the charges a few days later. A new date for his court appearance was set for Nov. 10. If he is convicted, he could face a $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail.

Mayor Mike Rotkin said that he was “shocked” by Madrigal’s behavior. “The biggest problem is that it sets the worst example, especially by not showing up for his court date. That’s really egregious. It’s extraordinary bad judgment on both issues.” This was echoed by Madrigal’s colleague on the council, Don Lane, who said, “We are held to a higher standard. He should step up and take responsibility.” Read more at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

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