
More than one accuser has made allegations of child sexual abuse against the late Bob Brozman.

More than one accuser has made allegations of child sexual abuse against the late Bob Brozman.

The story of Bob Brozman’s death has been one shock after the other for those in Santa Cruz who knew him, played with him or just admired his music. First, there was the initial, confusing news of his passing, which was vague enough that different outlets reported different dates. In time, it became clear that he had been found in his home on April 23.

The cause was initially said to be heart failure, but within a few days it was common knowledge that he had committed suicide. The story was about to get a lot uglier.

Because Brozman was only 59, and a much-loved figure both locally and in the global guitar community, many people who knew him latched on to the story that chronic pain from an automobile accident in 1980 had worsened and left him suicidal, in fear that he would no longer be able to play. It seemed a possibly credible motivation, even for a man who had reportedly been making rehearsal plans just hours before his death.

But it wasn’t. In fact, it appears that the story actually originated not from Brozman’s friends or family, but from a Guardian reporter who misinterpreted what he had been told in interviews, and reported it in his obit as fact. Though Brozman did complain of pain in the years before his death, the story that it led to his suicide took on a life of its own, circulating through the local, national and international media. Several people I interviewed immediately after his death related it to me, but in retrospect it appears they had gotten it second-hand, either from the Guardian story, one of the subsequent obits, or someone who had read or heard one of them.

None of them were prepared for what came next. Shortly after the Santa Cruz Weekly cover story on his death hit the streets, a much more sinister possible reason for his suicide came to light: there were accusations of child molestation against him.

Some of the people connected to these allegations began posting in the comments section of our web site. One was Gary Atkinson, Brozman’s former UK tour manager, who declined to be interviewed for this story, but laid out the charges of “severe sexual abuse of a child” on the web site.

“This abuse happened some years ago, spanning a period of time from when his victim was a toddler through to being a young teenager,” he wrote. “In more recent years he repeated this abuse on another underage person. All of his victims were well known to him. In addition, I tell can you that whilst he was in the U.K. [in] 1994 on tour, he sexually abused my own daughter who, at the time, was nine years old. I have never forgiven him and I never will.”

This post and others sparked a sometimes angry debate among commenters. Offline, too, I got outraged emails and phone calls demanding that Santa Cruz Weekly take down any references to the molestation charges, arguing that the accused was no longer around to defend himself, and claiming that there couldn’t possibly be any legitimacy to them.

But it quickly became clear that this was in fact a legitimate part of Brozman’s story, with more than one accuser involved. This has led to some painful soul-searching on the part of many who were close to him, to say the least.

None of the media outlets that eulogized Brozman have reported on the molestation charges. Meanwhile, Internet message boards have generated everything from seemingly useful insider insight to ludicrous misinformation. Predictably, the most extreme rhetoric has been split between those labeling Brozman “an evil monster” and comparing him to Hitler, and those—fewer and fewer—claiming nothing can convince them of the truth of the allegations. Reactions to the revelations have ranged from shock and denial to acceptance and anger, and various combinations of all of the above.

Hard Truths

One person who is not surprised at the sheer devastation Brozman’s story has wrought is Amy Pine, co-founder of Survivors Healing Center, a Santa Cruz organization that offers group therapy to survivors of child sexual abuse, and works to raise awareness of the issue in the local community.

“The public at large wants to believe that anyone who would molest a child would basically have ‘perpetrator’ written across their forehead,” says Pine. “That they would look a certain way, or they would be sleazy, or they would be weird. And you know what? Most of the time that’s not true. My clients have been molested by lawyers, judges, doctors, musicians, teachers, Boy Scout leaders—people you don’t want to believe would possibly do something like that to a child.”

Pine co-founded Survivors Healing Center in 1987, and she says it is a constant struggle to raise the visibility of the issue, as the general public is either unwilling or unable to grasp the scope of the problem.

“Child sexual abuse is pandemic,” she says. “What we know in the United States is that one out of every three or four girls, and one out of every six boys, has been sexually abused by the age of 18. It may be a single incident, it may be more incidents, it may be multiple perpetrators, it may be long term. But it happens. A lot.”

No Closure

Because of Brozman’s death, there is much about his story that may never be known by anyone not directly involved. There will likely be no investigation into the molestation charges now. There may be suits or settlements one day, but I couldn’t find any record of the mysterious “pending court date” that some have claimed specifically motivated Brozman’s suicide.

If it was a civil case, it wasn’t filed locally. If it was a criminal case, it would be subject to a complicated tangle of different statutes of limitations on child sexual abuse, which vary from state to state—some states have none at all, while California has a statute of limitation of six years, but several loopholes.

I didn’t expect that anyone I approached who was close to this story would want to go on the record about it, and that proved to be correct. In time, more information may come to light, and Brozman’s story may evolve further, for better or worse. But for now—like Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter, Michael Jackson and other music figures whose legacies were tainted or outright obliterated by child sexual abuse cases—his has been instantaneously altered. Almost overnight, he went from one of Santa Cruz’s most-talked-about cultural figures to one of its least-discussed scandals.

Pine’s insight into our society’s darkest secrets might explain why.

“One of the only things more taboo than child sexual abuse,” she says, “is talking about it.”

  • ED Denson

    There’s no there there to this story. No facts. As you say the mysterious “pending court date” that no one has seen. Until, and unless, I see some facts, I am writting the entire issue off as some mean spirited internet trolls defaming a great artist.

  • ED Denson

    There’s no there there to this story. No facts. As you say the mysterious “pending court date” that no one has seen. Until, and unless, I see some facts, I am writting the entire issue off as some mean spirited internet trolls defaming a great artist.

  • Sane thinking

    It’s interesting and sad that some people who don’t want to believe something can close their minds so completely to any possibilities of enlightenment. This is why our children continue to be victimized, why laws are so slow to change, and why some still believe global warming is fiction.

  • Sane thinking

    It’s interesting and sad that some people who don’t want to believe something can close their minds so completely to any possibilities of enlightenment. This is why our children continue to be victimized, why laws are so slow to change, and why some still believe global warming is fiction.

  • Murph

    Gary Atkinson’s post from the previous obituary/tribute needs one clarification. He says, “All of his victims were well known to him.” What he really means is all of the victims that Atkinson has knowledge of. Brozman toured the world many times over, for decades. How limited the circle of alleged victims is, no one can say. As for Mr. Denson’s “until and unless,” we’ll see. But I think it’s as irresponsible a leap to call Atkinson mean spirited (Are you saying he concocted all of this out of whole cloth, risking all credibility – for what?) as it is to paint Brozman with a broad, “dark” brush OR assume he couldn’t possibly be guilty of such heinous acts because he was a friend or a nice guy or a talented guitarist. The after-effects of sexual abuse take on many faces. In my case, I’ve told only a half-dozen close friends about what happened to me circa age 9, but have never taken legal action or confronted the predator. Why not? That’s hard to answer. But it’s complicated and very personal, and it’s my decision to make – no one else’s.

  • Murph

    Gary Atkinson’s post from the previous obituary/tribute needs one clarification. He says, “All of his victims were well known to him.” What he really means is all of the victims that Atkinson has knowledge of. Brozman toured the world many times over, for decades. How limited the circle of alleged victims is, no one can say. As for Mr. Denson’s “until and unless,” we’ll see. But I think it’s as irresponsible a leap to call Atkinson mean spirited (Are you saying he concocted all of this out of whole cloth, risking all credibility – for what?) as it is to paint Brozman with a broad, “dark” brush OR assume he couldn’t possibly be guilty of such heinous acts because he was a friend or a nice guy or a talented guitarist. The after-effects of sexual abuse take on many faces. In my case, I’ve told only a half-dozen close friends about what happened to me circa age 9, but have never taken legal action or confronted the predator. Why not? That’s hard to answer. But it’s complicated and very personal, and it’s my decision to make – no one else’s.

  • Joe

    Those “mean spirited internet trolls” include an ex-wife and a number of musical associates and artists who’d have much to lose by posting stuff they didn’t know and/or believe to be true.

  • Joe

    Those “mean spirited internet trolls” include an ex-wife and a number of musical associates and artists who’d have much to lose by posting stuff they didn’t know and/or believe to be true.

  • Madam Geetar

    Regardless, I will always remember him for his music. He was kind and generous to teach me a few things on the guitar and his musicality inspired me.

    I am not trying to diminish any pain that may be true for other people, but we each only know what is true for us.

    Like anything else, it is not wise to talk about what you don’ have first-hand knowledge of.

  • Madam Geetar

    Regardless, I will always remember him for his music. He was kind and generous to teach me a few things on the guitar and his musicality inspired me.

    I am not trying to diminish any pain that may be true for other people, but we each only know what is true for us.

    Like anything else, it is not wise to talk about what you don’ have first-hand knowledge of.

  • Concerned Reader

    This is terrible journalism. There is no story here. No facts. All this shows is that you felt the urge to cover your asses from your previous, wonderfully written article about Bob and his musical contributions. Gary, your ‘star witness’ and the man who’s online comments on your last article obviously made you feel obligated to write this piece, even declined to be interviewed??? You have nothing. You wrote about nothing. We, your readers, learned nothing… except what your priorities are. I’m not saying I believe or don’t believe the allegations, I’m just saying this article is a waste of everyone’s time and the Weekly should be ashamed of itself. You potentially slandered someone’s reputation in his own hometown before you had any factual information.

  • Concerned Reader

    This is terrible journalism. There is no story here. No facts. All this shows is that you felt the urge to cover your asses from your previous, wonderfully written article about Bob and his musical contributions. Gary, your ‘star witness’ and the man who’s online comments on your last article obviously made you feel obligated to write this piece, even declined to be interviewed??? You have nothing. You wrote about nothing. We, your readers, learned nothing… except what your priorities are. I’m not saying I believe or don’t believe the allegations, I’m just saying this article is a waste of everyone’s time and the Weekly should be ashamed of itself. You potentially slandered someone’s reputation in his own hometown before you had any factual information.

  • O.V. Wright

    “mean spirited internet trolls” – hilarious.
    You wear denial well.

  • O.V. Wright

    “mean spirited internet trolls” – hilarious.
    You wear denial well.

  • Martin Schull

    “Concerned Reader”? What a joke. Seems to me the only thing you’re “concerned” about is hero worship. How interesting that while you hide behind a fake name, Mr. Atkinson has put his real name and reputation on the line. There’s a fact for you. As for his “declining to be interviewed,” what did you think he could add that he didn’t already make perfectly clear? Nothing. The facts here are very disturbing, that’s why you turn a blind eye and claim they don’t exist. You can’t even see that this man killed himself in the hopes people wouldn’t find out any more. So people like you would say “There is no story here.” And people wonder why this keeps happening to children?

  • Martin Schull

    “Concerned Reader”? What a joke. Seems to me the only thing you’re “concerned” about is hero worship. How interesting that while you hide behind a fake name, Mr. Atkinson has put his real name and reputation on the line. There’s a fact for you. As for his “declining to be interviewed,” what did you think he could add that he didn’t already make perfectly clear? Nothing. The facts here are very disturbing, that’s why you turn a blind eye and claim they don’t exist. You can’t even see that this man killed himself in the hopes people wouldn’t find out any more. So people like you would say “There is no story here.” And people wonder why this keeps happening to children?

  • Unconcerned Reader

    Jimmy Savile was such a wonderful entertainer, I wish everyone would stop letting all that child-touching get in the way of his delightful contributions to television.

  • Unconcerned Reader

    Jimmy Savile was such a wonderful entertainer, I wish everyone would stop letting all that child-touching get in the way of his delightful contributions to television.

  • Greg Spear

    Bob Brozman has contributed significantly (in a positive way) to music and the cultural legacy of the Santa Cruz area. However, I had difficulty in resolving the explanations of his suicide with what I knew about him. Somehow, it just didn’t make sense. These new allegations about molestation bring a much more plausible explanation for his action. When something of this magnitude is coming to light, the exposure can bring a person’s true sense of guilt or shame forward and evoke the ultimate remorse. I know that just about everyone has a “dark side” – something they do that no one knows about. For most, it can be as simple as sneaking a treat when they are trying to lose weight. For others, it can be something quite sinister. As for Bob Brozman, I need not hear of more “details” to support these allegations. For me, it is simply a much more plausible explanation for his actions. If true, I hope his victims can forgive him and accept his ultimate apology.

  • Greg Spear

    Bob Brozman has contributed significantly (in a positive way) to music and the cultural legacy of the Santa Cruz area. However, I had difficulty in resolving the explanations of his suicide with what I knew about him. Somehow, it just didn’t make sense. These new allegations about molestation bring a much more plausible explanation for his action. When something of this magnitude is coming to light, the exposure can bring a person’s true sense of guilt or shame forward and evoke the ultimate remorse. I know that just about everyone has a “dark side” – something they do that no one knows about. For most, it can be as simple as sneaking a treat when they are trying to lose weight. For others, it can be something quite sinister. As for Bob Brozman, I need not hear of more “details” to support these allegations. For me, it is simply a much more plausible explanation for his actions. If true, I hope his victims can forgive him and accept his ultimate apology.

  • Shar

    -or possibly gain the greatest revenge over someone who was often difficult to deal with. I can’t even begin to imagine the turmoil and difficulties generated by his divorce. Could be the same w/ a business partner.
    Frankly, I tend to believe it, more or less. But since none of it has been proved, and since the people making these allegations have refused to be interviewed, I have to believe a man is innocent until proven guilty.

  • Shar

    -or possibly gain the greatest revenge over someone who was often difficult to deal with. I can’t even begin to imagine the turmoil and difficulties generated by his divorce. Could be the same w/ a business partner.
    Frankly, I tend to believe it, more or less. But since none of it has been proved, and since the people making these allegations have refused to be interviewed, I have to believe a man is innocent until proven guilty.

  • Murphq

    The much more likely reason he killed himself was to not have to face charges and potential punishment. Whether people found out or not was secondary. He took the coward’s way out – which would seem consistent for a pedophile.
    And there IS a story here, Concerned Reader, if only to point out that the previous reports that the motive behind the suicide was chronic pain were flimsy hearsay, “without any factual information,” to use your own words. I read the term “bone degeneration” in at least one obit. Well, I have bone degeneration too; it’s called arthritis. If you want to talk about terrible journalism,  assuming or repeating an alleged suicide motive with no basis in knowledge, as so many publications did – there’s your bad journalism.

  • Murphq

    The much more likely reason he killed himself was to not have to face charges and potential punishment. Whether people found out or not was secondary. He took the coward’s way out – which would seem consistent for a pedophile.
    And there IS a story here, Concerned Reader, if only to point out that the previous reports that the motive behind the suicide was chronic pain were flimsy hearsay, “without any factual information,” to use your own words. I read the term “bone degeneration” in at least one obit. Well, I have bone degeneration too; it’s called arthritis. If you want to talk about terrible journalism,  assuming or repeating an alleged suicide motive with no basis in knowledge, as so many publications did – there’s your bad journalism.

  • Duck Baker

    Actually, those at all close to things will recognize that this is a very fair and responsible article. I spent a lot of time on previous threads here and on another site where things got very ugly, and aim to leave only one comment on this thread. That is to say that people claiming the writer has “nothing” have much LESS than nothing. Do any of you see people from Brozman’s musical community – those who have known him since before his career had gone anywhere – standing up to defend him? What does that tell you? “Nothing?” 

    I personally I have been contacted by another local writer about this and explained the absolute need NOT to publish any hard facts of the case at this point. I assume the same thing happened here, and applaud Mr. Palopoli’s restraint. The general public has no need of the names and dates, and for those who are trying to get on with their lives, some feel a huge need NOT to be identified. That is what’s important right now.

    That said, the reason that the public does need to know that the allegations are true in the general sense is because there are likely to be others who suffered abuse over the course of Bob’s touring career. It is supremely important to give them the idea that it is safe to come forward, though people who work with survivors know that a very high % of them will never say anything to anyone.

    Use your thinking caps. The most important principle players are desperately trying to remain anonymous. That doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. As I said several times on other threads, if you know people in the acoustic musical community on the west coast, say from Santa Cruz to Seattle, it won’t take any time for you to ascertain that the sources for this are entirely credible. If you don’t, then acting like you know as much as can be known is silly. It took people like myself, who lived in that community, less than two days to know how far the word had spread. And this is the very LAST group of people who would believe allegations unless they knew there was no doubt at all. Take our word for it, OK? The time will come when it will be possible to clarify things. But for now – please everyone take a deep breath and bear in mind that it’s not just Brosman fans who follow this story. It’s the people who know the full horror of it. It’s others who have suffered abuse and are trying to deal with its effects. Please remember, when you comment, that these people are reading what you write. Of that there is no doubt whatsoever. I know this because many of them have told me so.

    Peace,  Duck Baker

  • Duck Baker

    Actually, those at all close to things will recognize that this is a very fair and responsible article. I spent a lot of time on previous threads here and on another site where things got very ugly, and aim to leave only one comment on this thread. That is to say that people claiming the writer has “nothing” have much LESS than nothing. Do any of you see people from Brozman’s musical community – those who have known him since before his career had gone anywhere – standing up to defend him? What does that tell you? “Nothing?” 

    I personally I have been contacted by another local writer about this and explained the absolute need NOT to publish any hard facts of the case at this point. I assume the same thing happened here, and applaud Mr. Palopoli’s restraint. The general public has no need of the names and dates, and for those who are trying to get on with their lives, some feel a huge need NOT to be identified. That is what’s important right now.

    That said, the reason that the public does need to know that the allegations are true in the general sense is because there are likely to be others who suffered abuse over the course of Bob’s touring career. It is supremely important to give them the idea that it is safe to come forward, though people who work with survivors know that a very high % of them will never say anything to anyone.

    Use your thinking caps. The most important principle players are desperately trying to remain anonymous. That doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. As I said several times on other threads, if you know people in the acoustic musical community on the west coast, say from Santa Cruz to Seattle, it won’t take any time for you to ascertain that the sources for this are entirely credible. If you don’t, then acting like you know as much as can be known is silly. It took people like myself, who lived in that community, less than two days to know how far the word had spread. And this is the very LAST group of people who would believe allegations unless they knew there was no doubt at all. Take our word for it, OK? The time will come when it will be possible to clarify things. But for now – please everyone take a deep breath and bear in mind that it’s not just Brosman fans who follow this story. It’s the people who know the full horror of it. It’s others who have suffered abuse and are trying to deal with its effects. Please remember, when you comment, that these people are reading what you write. Of that there is no doubt whatsoever. I know this because many of them have told me so.

    Peace,  Duck Baker

  • just a passerby

    Greg Spear,  I am unfamiliar with the term ultimate apology.  There was no apology.  Just an effort to conceal shame and avoid a possible prison sentence.

  • just a passerby

    Greg Spear,  I am unfamiliar with the term ultimate apology.  There was no apology.  Just an effort to conceal shame and avoid a possible prison sentence.

  • Paul Hostetter

    Well said, Duck, thank you.

  • Paul Hostetter

    Well said, Duck, thank you.

  • bob

        Well,it’s a challenging subject of course,but it seems there is only the word of the one person and his daughter and no proof of a court case. Nobody knows anything. Why we need to talk about punishing a dead person is confusing? How will that work for anyone? He is dead . Do we expect him to pay now? Will that teach him to stop hurting people ,if he did? Let’s look at things realistically. It’s too late now. The only people to pay are not him. How will that settle anything.
        Maybe those alive can learn to deal with things as they happen instead of living in fear or hatred. We could have helped with his pain and helped him stop hurting others. He is gone.He can’t hurt us now ,and he ended his own life.  Let’s live in love instead of fear or hatred.
        When I was a child,I was touched by an older boy in a way that didn’t work for me. When I grew up I blamed him for my addictions and pain. I thought him a monster because of all the fear and hatred of men in this country. I thought he was a man in my mind.When I finally reconnected with him ,I realized he was only a few years older and touched by someone himself. It was just better to deal with something instead of talk about it or fear or hate someone.If a man touches a child,that is wrong ,but fear and hatred of anyone just causes more fear and hatred. He is gone. I want you to find love so your pain is gone.Love,people. Love

  • bob

        Well,it’s a challenging subject of course,but it seems there is only the word of the one person and his daughter and no proof of a court case. Nobody knows anything. Why we need to talk about punishing a dead person is confusing? How will that work for anyone? He is dead . Do we expect him to pay now? Will that teach him to stop hurting people ,if he did? Let’s look at things realistically. It’s too late now. The only people to pay are not him. How will that settle anything.
        Maybe those alive can learn to deal with things as they happen instead of living in fear or hatred. We could have helped with his pain and helped him stop hurting others. He is gone.He can’t hurt us now ,and he ended his own life.  Let’s live in love instead of fear or hatred.
        When I was a child,I was touched by an older boy in a way that didn’t work for me. When I grew up I blamed him for my addictions and pain. I thought him a monster because of all the fear and hatred of men in this country. I thought he was a man in my mind.When I finally reconnected with him ,I realized he was only a few years older and touched by someone himself. It was just better to deal with something instead of talk about it or fear or hate someone.If a man touches a child,that is wrong ,but fear and hatred of anyone just causes more fear and hatred. He is gone. I want you to find love so your pain is gone.Love,people. Love

  • Mark Abbott

    Given the seriousness of these allegations, I don’t think it is unreasonable for readers to ask for proof. If your prepared to make such a deadly serious allegation surely you should be able to prove what you say is true.

    When will the facts finally be presented?

  • Mark Abbott

    Given the seriousness of these allegations, I don’t think it is unreasonable for readers to ask for proof. If your prepared to make such a deadly serious allegation surely you should be able to prove what you say is true.

    When will the facts finally be presented?

  • a local

    The way I see it Bob accomplished several things in committing suicide, all self-serving.  Nulling any action against him thereby preserving his estate, allowing for the myth to continue as to his greatness due to the round the clock PR machine.  Unfortunately he did leave massive wounds for those who were hurt by his cruelty.  But, as in the case of Larry Hillblom, there may be heirs out there, children born to him.  And as in the Hillblom case they will be able to come after him for settlements.  Bob may be able to rest in peace, but many others will not due to his unbelievable selfishness.

  • a local

    The way I see it Bob accomplished several things in committing suicide, all self-serving.  Nulling any action against him thereby preserving his estate, allowing for the myth to continue as to his greatness due to the round the clock PR machine.  Unfortunately he did leave massive wounds for those who were hurt by his cruelty.  But, as in the case of Larry Hillblom, there may be heirs out there, children born to him.  And as in the Hillblom case they will be able to come after him for settlements.  Bob may be able to rest in peace, but many others will not due to his unbelievable selfishness.

  • ella seneres

    I commend you Steve Palopoli for speaking about what might end up being the truth about Bob Brozman. I hope it is not true that between strumming his instruments he was destroying children in the deepest manner possible on his off time. If it turns out to be true, he needs to be damned. Who cares if he was the swiftest, neatest, coolest musician around. He left destroyed children and families who will suffer in the decades to come. Child molestation is an ongoing issue that takes many years of support to seemingly overcome. It is hard to prove some of these cases, because most victims will not come forward for many reasons, but that does not mean that this town is not floating in child molesters. I hope it proves not to be, but when there are a few people coming forward, the likelihood is that it is true.  There still are many child molesters dodging justice, but soon I hear the statue of limitations may be lifted, and even those who take forever to get the courage to corner their attackers may some day be able to do so. There should not be a statue of limitation on rape nor molestation.

  • ella seneres

    I commend you Steve Palopoli for speaking about what might end up being the truth about Bob Brozman. I hope it is not true that between strumming his instruments he was destroying children in the deepest manner possible on his off time. If it turns out to be true, he needs to be damned. Who cares if he was the swiftest, neatest, coolest musician around. He left destroyed children and families who will suffer in the decades to come. Child molestation is an ongoing issue that takes many years of support to seemingly overcome. It is hard to prove some of these cases, because most victims will not come forward for many reasons, but that does not mean that this town is not floating in child molesters. I hope it proves not to be, but when there are a few people coming forward, the likelihood is that it is true.  There still are many child molesters dodging justice, but soon I hear the statue of limitations may be lifted, and even those who take forever to get the courage to corner their attackers may some day be able to do so. There should not be a statue of limitation on rape nor molestation.

  • name withheld

    I believe the coroner’s report is now completed and what were merely allegations have been proven true.

  • name withheld

    I believe the coroner’s report is now completed and what were merely allegations have been proven true.

  • max

    You don’t know shit guys dammit what the fuck is this article ? Shut the fuck up about child abuse and the “DENY, BLABLA CHILD SUFFERING,” There’s nothing against Bob until it’s modafuckin proven.
    “between strumming his instruments he was destroying children in the deepest manner possible” For christ sake what the fuck with you people you don’t have any proof and you go crazy like this on the comment section.

    I’m sorry for my bad english I’m french and this is pissing me of to see all of the internet going wild when they have nothing, just a story that makes sense to their brains so they suppose it’s the god damn truth..

  • max

    You don’t know shit guys dammit what the fuck is this article ? Shut the fuck up about child abuse and the “DENY, BLABLA CHILD SUFFERING,” There’s nothing against Bob until it’s modafuckin proven.
    “between strumming his instruments he was destroying children in the deepest manner possible” For christ sake what the fuck with you people you don’t have any proof and you go crazy like this on the comment section.

    I’m sorry for my bad english I’m french and this is pissing me of to see all of the internet going wild when they have nothing, just a story that makes sense to their brains so they suppose it’s the god damn truth..

  • Duck Baker


    If your command of the language is so poor that you can’t comprehend the posts above, get someone with better English to translate for you. And ruminate on one basic fact; Not one person from the musical community Bob came out of in the 1970’s is saying that the allegations aren’t true, and several of us are saying they are, and have explained many reasons why these allegations can not be “proven” at this time. Starting with the fact that you can’t try someone who is dead.

    If the allegations were against someone in France and you went and asked people in that community and the people there told you they were true, wouldn’t you think people who said there was “no proof” who lived in California were being just a little silly?

    Some of us have a great deal more than “nothing” and have gone to some lengths to try and give as clear a picture as can be given. If you want to think that you can tell just as much about what’s going on just by googling as people who know the names of the principle players, no one can stop you. But acting like no one knows when in fact quite a lot of people do, that does no one any good.

    As I’ve said before, if you want to confirm that I am who I say I am, send an email to my website.

    Peace, now

    Duck Baker

  • Duck Baker


    If your command of the language is so poor that you can’t comprehend the posts above, get someone with better English to translate for you. And ruminate on one basic fact; Not one person from the musical community Bob came out of in the 1970’s is saying that the allegations aren’t true, and several of us are saying they are, and have explained many reasons why these allegations can not be “proven” at this time. Starting with the fact that you can’t try someone who is dead.

    If the allegations were against someone in France and you went and asked people in that community and the people there told you they were true, wouldn’t you think people who said there was “no proof” who lived in California were being just a little silly?

    Some of us have a great deal more than “nothing” and have gone to some lengths to try and give as clear a picture as can be given. If you want to think that you can tell just as much about what’s going on just by googling as people who know the names of the principle players, no one can stop you. But acting like no one knows when in fact quite a lot of people do, that does no one any good.

    As I’ve said before, if you want to confirm that I am who I say I am, send an email to my website.

    Peace, now

    Duck Baker

  • Mary Christine

    Duck Baker, Every time I see a post from you, you promise it will be your last.  Well, now you are just being personally and intentionally hurtful to at least one secondary victim, while doing the work for others.  You have posted “I’ll say that in at least one instance, statements by Gary Atkinson and/or Bob’s first ex-wife were intentionally misleading, with the aim of protecting an innocent party.” I have never made a false statement regarding my personal experience in this matter.  And then this: “A woman known to a great many of us had been quietly letting people know that something was developing, as she advocated for a young woman we will identify as a survivor of abuse in this case.”  Then this:  “And the reason that none of these people who had heard this went public is because they were told NOT to. Then the story broke because Gary just lost it when reading all the glowing stuff about Brozman the great man, etc.” Well, now you’ve raised the question everyone wants to know.  They were told not to.  By whom.  Who wants to be in control?  Those wanting more than anything to cover up the pedophilia?  Yes, it is true, that was never going to happen with me.  I get the feeling that you are now acting as spokesperson for someone while denigrating me.  Did you know that I had another child who was relentlessly bullied by Bob as was I?  Why don’t you just come out and say who it is you are representing. Or did you already do that in one of the above statements?  My therapist asks me “why do you care what people think who don’t know you.”  Well, when my integrity and intentions are impugned on line, when you don’t know me, but claim to know the ins and outs of this mayhem, maybe it’s time to give it a rest.  But you have raised some questions that I hope we will see the answers to someday.  We don’t need to know why so much as who.  Those doing the telling to STFU may all have different reasons.  But they put themselves on the righteous side and anyone who didn’t go along, BAD!

  • Mary Christine

    Duck Baker, Every time I see a post from you, you promise it will be your last.  Well, now you are just being personally and intentionally hurtful to at least one secondary victim, while doing the work for others.  You have posted “I’ll say that in at least one instance, statements by Gary Atkinson and/or Bob’s first ex-wife were intentionally misleading, with the aim of protecting an innocent party.” I have never made a false statement regarding my personal experience in this matter.  And then this: “A woman known to a great many of us had been quietly letting people know that something was developing, as she advocated for a young woman we will identify as a survivor of abuse in this case.”  Then this:  “And the reason that none of these people who had heard this went public is because they were told NOT to. Then the story broke because Gary just lost it when reading all the glowing stuff about Brozman the great man, etc.” Well, now you’ve raised the question everyone wants to know.  They were told not to.  By whom.  Who wants to be in control?  Those wanting more than anything to cover up the pedophilia?  Yes, it is true, that was never going to happen with me.  I get the feeling that you are now acting as spokesperson for someone while denigrating me.  Did you know that I had another child who was relentlessly bullied by Bob as was I?  Why don’t you just come out and say who it is you are representing. Or did you already do that in one of the above statements?  My therapist asks me “why do you care what people think who don’t know you.”  Well, when my integrity and intentions are impugned on line, when you don’t know me, but claim to know the ins and outs of this mayhem, maybe it’s time to give it a rest.  But you have raised some questions that I hope we will see the answers to someday.  We don’t need to know why so much as who.  Those doing the telling to STFU may all have different reasons.  But they put themselves on the righteous side and anyone who didn’t go along, BAD!

  • Duck Baker

    Mary Christine has by now heard very directly from someone else about this (as well as from me). It’s pretty difficult for me to respond to this when the person I am at pains to protect is threatened by this kind of thing. And Mary Christine knows full well who I am talking about, who the person quietly advocating is, and how completely ridiculous it is to suggest that that person is interested in covering up the abuse.  I certainly never denigrated Mary Christine, or anyone else, least of all those who are related to the survivors of abuse.

    Let’s put it this way, the person we both are talking about has asked one of the two of us to please NOT make any more public statements and my conscience is clear. I certainly will not respond to Mary Christine again; it is depressing that she is reacting this way when she knows what is at stake.

    If you must go off about this, please contact me directly, Mary Christine. Doing this publicly is really, REALLY not appropriate.

  • Duck Baker

    Mary Christine has by now heard very directly from someone else about this (as well as from me). It’s pretty difficult for me to respond to this when the person I am at pains to protect is threatened by this kind of thing. And Mary Christine knows full well who I am talking about, who the person quietly advocating is, and how completely ridiculous it is to suggest that that person is interested in covering up the abuse.  I certainly never denigrated Mary Christine, or anyone else, least of all those who are related to the survivors of abuse.

    Let’s put it this way, the person we both are talking about has asked one of the two of us to please NOT make any more public statements and my conscience is clear. I certainly will not respond to Mary Christine again; it is depressing that she is reacting this way when she knows what is at stake.

    If you must go off about this, please contact me directly, Mary Christine. Doing this publicly is really, REALLY not appropriate.

  • anonymous

    Many people would be interested in hearing what you have to say. You have come on several websites (mudcat, maybe the guitarseminar one too?), if it is indeed you, and left a few comments giving pieces of details about your side of the story but never the whole one from start to finish. It would be helpful if you were very simple and to the point in explaining precisely what happened with you the same way Gary explained his own experience. Because there are a lot of people who are following all of this, people like me, who knew Bob relatively well, and had absolutely no idea about any of this while he was alive. You have absolutely no idea just how shocked we all were, STILL are, and are waiting for answers. In my case, Bob’s death left me reeling. I have followed this story anywhere and everywhere I could find anything on it. But it has been really hard to piece your side of the story for the simple reason that you haven’t done what Gary did, just simply tell your story.  1)How and when did you and Bob meet? 2) What was your relationship/marriage like in the beginning? 3)Is it true that you have 2 daughters? 4) Did this abuse happen with one or both of your daughters? 5) How did you find out about the abuse? 6) What do you mean when you say Bob bullied both your daughter and you? 7) Will you confirm that this was SEXUAL abuse? 8) What did you do when you found out about the abuse and how long did the abuse go on for? 9) Who exactly did you inform (all the people you told, if possible)? 10) What was the reaction you got from the people you reported this to? 11) How many children, to your knowledge, did he abuse? 12) What is going to happen now that Bob is dead? 13) Are you still going to try to press charges? 14) To your knowledge, how many people were trying to press charges? 15) To your knowledge, did Bob suffer from any other mental health issues? Because if you do this (and don’t get me wrong, I’ve read everything there is to read on this, I know something about your side of the story, but only because I’ve read everything there is to read, but not everyone has the time, patience or even cares enough to do what I’ve done). Please know, and I say this ever so respectfully, that your reaction to Duck Baker’s comments will only seem enigmatic and strange to most people since he has in a sense, defended you more than anyone else. When he said he had inside information and was told not to talk, it seemed clear to the rest of us (I have read every post by Duck) that if he made personal phone calls to people who did in fact know something about the situation, of course people would say “But don’t say that I said this or that” because this is such a delicate, delicate subject. I’m sorry if I will be coming off as hard and direct, but the only way there will be any light on any of this is if you muster up the courage to WRITE YOUR STORY in a very simple, clear way. The exact same way Gary did. With as many details as you can give us about the chronology of events, without, of course, going into details about the abuse itself other than specifying that it was sexual abuse. Because when you say “bully” in a post, people who half read and half remember will say “Oh, but Mary Christine herself said that he BULLIED his daughter, which is not the same as sexually abusing”. Or, you could simply copy and paste my questions and answer them as clearly as possible, one at a time. You would be doing a great service to those of us that loved Bob and are out here WAITING for someone to SPEAK UP. And NO ONE has done what I am doing now out of respect for his alleged victims. Because either you and his other alleged victims will have to take this into your hands or everything will continue being this big mix of internet hearsay.

  • anonymous

    Many people would be interested in hearing what you have to say. You have come on several websites (mudcat, maybe the guitarseminar one too?), if it is indeed you, and left a few comments giving pieces of details about your side of the story but never the whole one from start to finish. It would be helpful if you were very simple and to the point in explaining precisely what happened with you the same way Gary explained his own experience. Because there are a lot of people who are following all of this, people like me, who knew Bob relatively well, and had absolutely no idea about any of this while he was alive. You have absolutely no idea just how shocked we all were, STILL are, and are waiting for answers. In my case, Bob’s death left me reeling. I have followed this story anywhere and everywhere I could find anything on it. But it has been really hard to piece your side of the story for the simple reason that you haven’t done what Gary did, just simply tell your story.  1)How and when did you and Bob meet? 2) What was your relationship/marriage like in the beginning? 3)Is it true that you have 2 daughters? 4) Did this abuse happen with one or both of your daughters? 5) How did you find out about the abuse? 6) What do you mean when you say Bob bullied both your daughter and you? 7) Will you confirm that this was SEXUAL abuse? 8) What did you do when you found out about the abuse and how long did the abuse go on for? 9) Who exactly did you inform (all the people you told, if possible)? 10) What was the reaction you got from the people you reported this to? 11) How many children, to your knowledge, did he abuse? 12) What is going to happen now that Bob is dead? 13) Are you still going to try to press charges? 14) To your knowledge, how many people were trying to press charges? 15) To your knowledge, did Bob suffer from any other mental health issues? Because if you do this (and don’t get me wrong, I’ve read everything there is to read on this, I know something about your side of the story, but only because I’ve read everything there is to read, but not everyone has the time, patience or even cares enough to do what I’ve done). Please know, and I say this ever so respectfully, that your reaction to Duck Baker’s comments will only seem enigmatic and strange to most people since he has in a sense, defended you more than anyone else. When he said he had inside information and was told not to talk, it seemed clear to the rest of us (I have read every post by Duck) that if he made personal phone calls to people who did in fact know something about the situation, of course people would say “But don’t say that I said this or that” because this is such a delicate, delicate subject. I’m sorry if I will be coming off as hard and direct, but the only way there will be any light on any of this is if you muster up the courage to WRITE YOUR STORY in a very simple, clear way. The exact same way Gary did. With as many details as you can give us about the chronology of events, without, of course, going into details about the abuse itself other than specifying that it was sexual abuse. Because when you say “bully” in a post, people who half read and half remember will say “Oh, but Mary Christine herself said that he BULLIED his daughter, which is not the same as sexually abusing”. Or, you could simply copy and paste my questions and answer them as clearly as possible, one at a time. You would be doing a great service to those of us that loved Bob and are out here WAITING for someone to SPEAK UP. And NO ONE has done what I am doing now out of respect for his alleged victims. Because either you and his other alleged victims will have to take this into your hands or everything will continue being this big mix of internet hearsay.

  • Not Amused

    Oh, can you smell the entitlement!
    I can’t help but feel nauseous when a FAN makes like he is somehow !!ENTITLED!! to know the answers to such pressing questions such as “how and when did you and Bob meet? What makes you think you are owned answers, or anything else?

  • Not Amused

    Oh, can you smell the entitlement!
    I can’t help but feel nauseous when a FAN makes like he is somehow !!ENTITLED!! to know the answers to such pressing questions such as “how and when did you and Bob meet? What makes you think you are owned answers, or anything else?

  • Anonymous

    To Not Amused
    Sure you don’t get it. This isn’t a question at all about entitlement. This is a question about a very powerful, famous musician with a huge fan world including myself, who killed himself and left all who loved him shocked, saddened, in utter disbelief and shaken to the core at the thought that someone that they admired so much (very well may have been? probably was?) a pedophile. I do not feel entitled. I knew exactly what I was doing when I wrote out my questions. Because I guarantee, whether you like it or not, that others in my position, a simple fan who saw Bob perform on several occasions, owning several of his CDs, who wept bitterly at the news of his death and to this moment keep slapping our faces to see if this is just a wild dream, want to know the same things. Did it occur to you that maybe we’re looking for closure? You can’t make me feel guilty or ashamed or anything else for that matter for wanting to know exactly what happened. Because when something like this happens, if you’re even moderately educated, it makes you question a lot of things, and especially things such as your own ability to understand people and judge their character. So you go right ahead and try to railroad my attempts to get answers. You may not care to know the facts. You may not even WANT to know the facts. BUT I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE.

  • Anonymous

    To Not Amused
    Sure you don’t get it. This isn’t a question at all about entitlement. This is a question about a very powerful, famous musician with a huge fan world including myself, who killed himself and left all who loved him shocked, saddened, in utter disbelief and shaken to the core at the thought that someone that they admired so much (very well may have been? probably was?) a pedophile. I do not feel entitled. I knew exactly what I was doing when I wrote out my questions. Because I guarantee, whether you like it or not, that others in my position, a simple fan who saw Bob perform on several occasions, owning several of his CDs, who wept bitterly at the news of his death and to this moment keep slapping our faces to see if this is just a wild dream, want to know the same things. Did it occur to you that maybe we’re looking for closure? You can’t make me feel guilty or ashamed or anything else for that matter for wanting to know exactly what happened. Because when something like this happens, if you’re even moderately educated, it makes you question a lot of things, and especially things such as your own ability to understand people and judge their character. So you go right ahead and try to railroad my attempts to get answers. You may not care to know the facts. You may not even WANT to know the facts. BUT I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE.

  • Not Amused

    Anonymous wrote:
    “I knew exactly what I was doing when I wrote out my questions. Because I guarantee, whether you like it or not, that others in my position, a simple fan who saw Bob perform on several occasions, owning several of his CDs, who wept bitterly at the news of his death and to this moment keep slapping our faces to see if this is just a wild dream, want to know the same things.”

    THAT is the very definition of entitlement.
    You are indeed “a simple fan” (in more ways than one) and having bought CDs or concert tickets does not entitle you to the role of Inquisitor General, besides you didn’t buy any CDs by Brozman’s victims, so sit down and be quiet.
    Yes, you are “not alone” – idiocy is not an isolated occurence, there are plenty of fools like you out there.

  • Not Amused

    Anonymous wrote:
    “I knew exactly what I was doing when I wrote out my questions. Because I guarantee, whether you like it or not, that others in my position, a simple fan who saw Bob perform on several occasions, owning several of his CDs, who wept bitterly at the news of his death and to this moment keep slapping our faces to see if this is just a wild dream, want to know the same things.”

    THAT is the very definition of entitlement.
    You are indeed “a simple fan” (in more ways than one) and having bought CDs or concert tickets does not entitle you to the role of Inquisitor General, besides you didn’t buy any CDs by Brozman’s victims, so sit down and be quiet.
    Yes, you are “not alone” – idiocy is not an isolated occurence, there are plenty of fools like you out there.

  • Anonymous

    “Why did you feel so invested in this man that you feel you are owed the gory details?”
    Continue insisting that I think I’m “entitled” or “owed”. Just because you say it doesn’t make it so. And I did NOT ask for “gory” details. I asked for a story, and explanation. What if you discovered that your brother was a pedophile? Or your spouse? Or your son? Or your best friend? Would you abandon them or try to help them? What about the people who were close to Bob? What are you supposed to do when you find out that someone you love is a pedophile? Pedophiles hide themselves at all costs because there is no cure for their illness and when they go public it becomes their IDENTITY. You’re not a politician or a musician or a doctor or a taxi driver any more. You are first, before all other things, a pedophile, among the most despised people in the world.
    “Many artists can be cruel people”.  Many people can be cruel when they are sick and don’t, for a million different reasons, seek help.
    “He took the easy way out, hurting people on the way”.  That’s what I would call entitlement: now you can read people’s minds and know what he was thinking and feeling when he took his life. Yes, indeed, he did hurt a lot of people. But unlike you, I can’t just heap people into two separate piles, the good ones and the bad ones. You must be some saint that has never made an error in your life. Or maybe you just enjoy feeling superior to pedophiles. Well, I guess that’s your birthright. I can’t hate pedophiles. I know too much about psychology to hate them. I pity them, and feel that because it is such a widespread problem, THAT’S EXACTLY what makes this so important and meaningful. Because if the ILLNESS was less ostracized, if pedophiles could openly admit that they had the illness and find a community of people to help them and support them, there would be MUCH, MUCH less abuse around. What do you think, that one glorious day they jump out of bed and think “Yipeee, hey, know what?! I’m going to be a pedophile! What fun!” What do you know about how a pedophile becomes one in the first place? Wouldn’t it be better to understand and try to heal rather than just pointing an indignant, self-righteous finger?
    “He never gave you a thought. Selfish people like him only care that he is admired, not for other’s well being.” Well, maybe that is true. I’m sure he left the Earth never even knowing my name, but since I know the Earth doesn’t revolve around me, and this isn’t about ME, I could care less. Even narcissism is an illness. And I can’t hate narcissists, either. I can be afraid of the ones whose illness tends towards being a psychopath to the point they could even kill their victims, and recognize that they need to be locked away for life. But rather than hating any of them, I feel nothing but pity for them, and at the same time I feel so much gratitude for every adult, every teacher, every family member that helped me grow up to be a healthy individual. I only feel incredibly lucky to have grown up in the environment I did.
    “That is just a part of the performance. Forget about it.  If you knew the man you would have been disgusted if you cared at all about child abuse”. Yes, I am indeed disgusted about the child abuse. God bless his victims. I was molested as a child, and it left me devastated. So now you know what my own interest in all this is. The intense shame that I experienced accompanied me every step of the way from the time it happened all the way through my first adult sexual experiences to the day that when I went to my first therapy session, and my therapist asked me “How do you express yourself sexually” I panicked. If I could go back in time, maybe if people had been openly talking about sexuality, and someone had prepared me as a child and my parents had done a better job at that, it would’ve saved me a lot of suffering. But maybe that suffering has helped me be a more understanding person.

  • Anonymous

    “Why did you feel so invested in this man that you feel you are owed the gory details?”
    Continue insisting that I think I’m “entitled” or “owed”. Just because you say it doesn’t make it so. And I did NOT ask for “gory” details. I asked for a story, and explanation. What if you discovered that your brother was a pedophile? Or your spouse? Or your son? Or your best friend? Would you abandon them or try to help them? What about the people who were close to Bob? What are you supposed to do when you find out that someone you love is a pedophile? Pedophiles hide themselves at all costs because there is no cure for their illness and when they go public it becomes their IDENTITY. You’re not a politician or a musician or a doctor or a taxi driver any more. You are first, before all other things, a pedophile, among the most despised people in the world.
    “Many artists can be cruel people”.  Many people can be cruel when they are sick and don’t, for a million different reasons, seek help.
    “He took the easy way out, hurting people on the way”.  That’s what I would call entitlement: now you can read people’s minds and know what he was thinking and feeling when he took his life. Yes, indeed, he did hurt a lot of people. But unlike you, I can’t just heap people into two separate piles, the good ones and the bad ones. You must be some saint that has never made an error in your life. Or maybe you just enjoy feeling superior to pedophiles. Well, I guess that’s your birthright. I can’t hate pedophiles. I know too much about psychology to hate them. I pity them, and feel that because it is such a widespread problem, THAT’S EXACTLY what makes this so important and meaningful. Because if the ILLNESS was less ostracized, if pedophiles could openly admit that they had the illness and find a community of people to help them and support them, there would be MUCH, MUCH less abuse around. What do you think, that one glorious day they jump out of bed and think “Yipeee, hey, know what?! I’m going to be a pedophile! What fun!” What do you know about how a pedophile becomes one in the first place? Wouldn’t it be better to understand and try to heal rather than just pointing an indignant, self-righteous finger?
    “He never gave you a thought. Selfish people like him only care that he is admired, not for other’s well being.” Well, maybe that is true. I’m sure he left the Earth never even knowing my name, but since I know the Earth doesn’t revolve around me, and this isn’t about ME, I could care less. Even narcissism is an illness. And I can’t hate narcissists, either. I can be afraid of the ones whose illness tends towards being a psychopath to the point they could even kill their victims, and recognize that they need to be locked away for life. But rather than hating any of them, I feel nothing but pity for them, and at the same time I feel so much gratitude for every adult, every teacher, every family member that helped me grow up to be a healthy individual. I only feel incredibly lucky to have grown up in the environment I did.
    “That is just a part of the performance. Forget about it.  If you knew the man you would have been disgusted if you cared at all about child abuse”. Yes, I am indeed disgusted about the child abuse. God bless his victims. I was molested as a child, and it left me devastated. So now you know what my own interest in all this is. The intense shame that I experienced accompanied me every step of the way from the time it happened all the way through my first adult sexual experiences to the day that when I went to my first therapy session, and my therapist asked me “How do you express yourself sexually” I panicked. If I could go back in time, maybe if people had been openly talking about sexuality, and someone had prepared me as a child and my parents had done a better job at that, it would’ve saved me a lot of suffering. But maybe that suffering has helped me be a more understanding person.

  • Anonymous

    To Anonymous:

    Why did you feel so invested in this man that you feel you are owed the gory details?  Many artists can be cruel people.  He took the easy way out, hurting people on the way.  He never gave you a thought. Selfish people like him only care that he is admired, not for other’s well being.  That is just a part of the performance. Forget about it.  If you knew the man you would have been disgusted if you cared at all about child abuse.

  • Anonymous

    To Anonymous:

    Why did you feel so invested in this man that you feel you are owed the gory details?  Many artists can be cruel people.  He took the easy way out, hurting people on the way.  He never gave you a thought. Selfish people like him only care that he is admired, not for other’s well being.  That is just a part of the performance. Forget about it.  If you knew the man you would have been disgusted if you cared at all about child abuse.

  • Anon

    If someone simply wanted to exact some demented revenge after Bob’s death why would they a) go so far as to accuse him of such a heinous crime; and b) use their real names instead of casting accusations anonymously?
    What kind of “difficult” dealings would possibly be worth it?
    Sorry, but it just doesn’t seem that it would be worth taking it to such a level from more than one accuser without there being something of substance there.

  • Anon

    If someone simply wanted to exact some demented revenge after Bob’s death why would they a) go so far as to accuse him of such a heinous crime; and b) use their real names instead of casting accusations anonymously?
    What kind of “difficult” dealings would possibly be worth it?
    Sorry, but it just doesn’t seem that it would be worth taking it to such a level from more than one accuser without there being something of substance there.

  • Duck Baker

    To Anonymous,

    I am going to underline that the details can NOT come out, at least not yet, for reasons mary Christine knows full well. Do you think SHE doesn’t want closure? She wants it deserves it, but we all must wait.

    I get that many people would like to know more. Do you not get that the needs of people who are trying to reconstruct their lives is far, far more important than any of that?

    If you’ve read what I’ve posted here and elsewhere, you have got as much of the picture as you are going to get for the time being. You in this case are finding it easy to remain anonymous, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t. But how would you feel if you were one of the people harmed in this case, also trying very hard to remain anonymous, if you read letters like the one you sent above, which practically demanded that your identity be revealed? Please think it through; the situation is very delicate.

    Thanks,    Duck Baker


  • Duck Baker

    To Anonymous,

    I am going to underline that the details can NOT come out, at least not yet, for reasons mary Christine knows full well. Do you think SHE doesn’t want closure? She wants it deserves it, but we all must wait.

    I get that many people would like to know more. Do you not get that the needs of people who are trying to reconstruct their lives is far, far more important than any of that?

    If you’ve read what I’ve posted here and elsewhere, you have got as much of the picture as you are going to get for the time being. You in this case are finding it easy to remain anonymous, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t. But how would you feel if you were one of the people harmed in this case, also trying very hard to remain anonymous, if you read letters like the one you sent above, which practically demanded that your identity be revealed? Please think it through; the situation is very delicate.

    Thanks,    Duck Baker


  • Anonymous

    To Not Amused
    “THAT is the very definition of entitlement…. having bought CDs or concert tickets does not entitle you to the role of Inquisitor General…” Like a “Big Lie”, again, just because you think it and say it doesn’t make it true, but you just go ahead and keep saying it for whatever your reasons are, NO, I DO NOT THINK I AM ENTITLED, I tried to get Mary Christine to tell her side of the story. I simply asked the questions that everyone out here is asking.
    Gary and Mary Christine decided to go public. That was their decision. I may have asked some straightforward, uncomfortable questions, and they may be untimely. Again, Gary came out and simply told his story. I was trying to get Mary Christine to do the same thing. Actually, she already has. Anyone who has been on all the other websites where she has posted know several of the answers to the questions I asked anyway.
    “Yes, you are “not alone” – idiocy is not an isolated occurence, there are plenty of fools like you out there.” BTW the word properly spelt is occurrence, just thought you might like to know, and see number 38 of Schopenhauer’s Art of Being Right. My last comment to Not Amused will be this, because it is useless to try to reason with people who refuse to be open-minded and understanding. Your way of attacking me personally by calling me a fool and my words “idiocy” is simply arrogant. I don’t think I’m the one coming off as an idiot here: we can let the other readers here decide.
    To Duck, “I get that many people would like to know more. Do you not get that the needs of people who are trying to reconstruct their lives is far, far more important than any of that?”
    Yes, I do get that. I’ll repeat again that Mary Christine has come out on several sites, giving pieces of her story and several of my questions have even already been answered… I could post links to the answers for 9 out of 15 of the questions I asked. One of the reasons Gary has come off so credible is because of the way he wrote, and I was inviting Mary Christine to do the same. I am in the midst of a big community of musicians and the opinions are as varied as the tidbits of information that they happen to read, since the vast majority of people aren’t motivated in the way I am for my own personal experience.
    But I will say: I began as humbly as possible to question my own motives for pushing for and wanting to know the truth. I am one person with one viewpoint, and I realize how completely insensitive I have probably come off towards Mary Christine and other possible victims. Honestly, I don’t know what I thought I was going to accomplish. Somehow I thought I could be helpful in bringing the truth out, and somehow I thought that the truth coming out would be helpful, especially if there are other victims out there following all this, and healing. So, I have said and done my part, not that I am anyone of importance here. I will bow out of this discussion with sincere apologies, wishing anyone who is hurting from this true healing. I for one know. It took me many, many years to heal.
    As for remaining anonymous: yes, it is cowardly to not give one’s name. But there are so many people who are blinded by their egos and stunt their spiritual growth with their hubris… sometimes, like others, I just prefer to take the easy way out.

  • Anonymous

    To Not Amused
    “THAT is the very definition of entitlement…. having bought CDs or concert tickets does not entitle you to the role of Inquisitor General…” Like a “Big Lie”, again, just because you think it and say it doesn’t make it true, but you just go ahead and keep saying it for whatever your reasons are, NO, I DO NOT THINK I AM ENTITLED, I tried to get Mary Christine to tell her side of the story. I simply asked the questions that everyone out here is asking.
    Gary and Mary Christine decided to go public. That was their decision. I may have asked some straightforward, uncomfortable questions, and they may be untimely. Again, Gary came out and simply told his story. I was trying to get Mary Christine to do the same thing. Actually, she already has. Anyone who has been on all the other websites where she has posted know several of the answers to the questions I asked anyway.
    “Yes, you are “not alone” – idiocy is not an isolated occurence, there are plenty of fools like you out there.” BTW the word properly spelt is occurrence, just thought you might like to know, and see number 38 of Schopenhauer’s Art of Being Right. My last comment to Not Amused will be this, because it is useless to try to reason with people who refuse to be open-minded and understanding. Your way of attacking me personally by calling me a fool and my words “idiocy” is simply arrogant. I don’t think I’m the one coming off as an idiot here: we can let the other readers here decide.
    To Duck, “I get that many people would like to know more. Do you not get that the needs of people who are trying to reconstruct their lives is far, far more important than any of that?”
    Yes, I do get that. I’ll repeat again that Mary Christine has come out on several sites, giving pieces of her story and several of my questions have even already been answered… I could post links to the answers for 9 out of 15 of the questions I asked. One of the reasons Gary has come off so credible is because of the way he wrote, and I was inviting Mary Christine to do the same. I am in the midst of a big community of musicians and the opinions are as varied as the tidbits of information that they happen to read, since the vast majority of people aren’t motivated in the way I am for my own personal experience.
    But I will say: I began as humbly as possible to question my own motives for pushing for and wanting to know the truth. I am one person with one viewpoint, and I realize how completely insensitive I have probably come off towards Mary Christine and other possible victims. Honestly, I don’t know what I thought I was going to accomplish. Somehow I thought I could be helpful in bringing the truth out, and somehow I thought that the truth coming out would be helpful, especially if there are other victims out there following all this, and healing. So, I have said and done my part, not that I am anyone of importance here. I will bow out of this discussion with sincere apologies, wishing anyone who is hurting from this true healing. I for one know. It took me many, many years to heal.
    As for remaining anonymous: yes, it is cowardly to not give one’s name. But there are so many people who are blinded by their egos and stunt their spiritual growth with their hubris… sometimes, like others, I just prefer to take the easy way out.

  • Jello

    Sincerely my heart goes out to all the prinicpal parties invloved. To all of you within the core of this tale, i trully hope whatever your stance, sufferance, or memories, that you find a way to sit within yourself and find some resolution.
    Turbulent times require an exactness of self conduct, and i hope after reading this entire forum, that some measure of decorum and introspection become more evident.


  • Jello

    Sincerely my heart goes out to all the prinicpal parties invloved. To all of you within the core of this tale, i trully hope whatever your stance, sufferance, or memories, that you find a way to sit within yourself and find some resolution.
    Turbulent times require an exactness of self conduct, and i hope after reading this entire forum, that some measure of decorum and introspection become more evident.


  • Goosebumps

    Thanks Jello.  Things were getting out of hand.  Thanks for your sage advice.  Surely it will be well heeded because it wasn’t winding down enough without your input.

  • Goosebumps

    Thanks Jello.  Things were getting out of hand.  Thanks for your sage advice.  Surely it will be well heeded because it wasn’t winding down enough without your input.

  • Antipodean Reader

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned (at least in the comments & stories I have found) that people who are innocent and who have been accused also commit suicide. Mud sticks, lives are ruined. The presumption of innocence is a principle worth defending. What happened to “beyond reasonable doubt”? I can make no judgement here, nor any defence. The opinions of others are not facts and should not be elevated to that status.

  • Antipodean Reader

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned (at least in the comments & stories I have found) that people who are innocent and who have been accused also commit suicide. Mud sticks, lives are ruined. The presumption of innocence is a principle worth defending. What happened to “beyond reasonable doubt”? I can make no judgement here, nor any defence. The opinions of others are not facts and should not be elevated to that status.

  • tom louagie

    Fallen angels aren’t a pretty sight.
    The sad truth is I really know that now.
    That truth is sad; I wish I didn’t know it.
    I wish I could forget but don’t know how.

    One we loved just hit the dirt real hard.
    How can we ever toss out all his jewels?
    They glisten all so brilliant in our memories.
    I guess we all must really feel like fools.

    So many things it’s hard not to remember;
    It was cozy in the Brookdale pouring rain;
    ‘Lady’ licked her butt out in the kitchen.
    None of us were feeling any pain.

    Drool buckets caught the leaky roof’s donations.
    Mary cooked; the kids were playing games.
    Meanwhile, Bob and I were spinning records,
    and I was learning old Hawaiian names.

    Sol Hoopi took us back to the good old 1920s,
    followed up by Ukelele Ike.
    Now it’s Charlie Patton on old vinyl.
    There’s nothing in this scene that’s not to like.

    Bob and Mary asked me to be Bob’s manager. I had finally given up on trying

    to drag the sixties into the nineties up at Club Zayante. But what about

    all my fine musician friends?

    “‘Trails End Performing Artists’, coming to YOUR little town. Catch ‘em

    before they’re famous!”

    I hitchhiked up the North Coast, checking out possible venues in

    picturesque little entertainment starved towns along the way – Fort Bragg,

    Westport, Casper, Mendocino, etc., ending up inland in dinky Hyampom on the

    Trinity River, the REAL end of the trail. But Bob was Trails End’s first

    and last out of the box, thanks to a lying, wild driving, sherrif’s deputy.

    Bob and I were both broke, but there was a free typewriter room at the

    library back then, so I put together a promo package and sent it to

    universities, nightclubs and recording studios. That got us a gig at The

    Crow’s Nest, then ‘The So-Cal ‘80 tour’ to L.A. with gigs in Big Sur and

    U.C. Santa Barbara along the way. Next we opened for Willie Nelson, Bonnie

    Raitt and Maria Muldaur at a packed benefit at the Santa Cruz Fairgrounds

    for Jane Fonda’s children’s camp. Next came an opening act in Berkeley with

    The Jerry Garcia Band and Maria Muldaur, then an opener for Merle Haggert

    in San Francisco. I invited Ed Denson of Kicking Mule Records to that show,

    and, after seeing him perform, he agreed to sign Bob.

    On our way out of Brookdale for our first recording session, I heard

    screeching tires coming around the curves the other way. I yelled,“Here

    comes a maniac!” and pulled onto the shoulder, but the cop skidded across

    both lanes and hit us head on. I got mildly hurt; Bob almost died and his

    instruments were badly screwed up.

    After Bob got out of the hospitol, he told me something wonderful. Before

    the crash, his hands were hurting. He had thought that he had had arthritis

    and that he was in for a short career; but when they operated on him for

    the accident they discovered an unrelated pinched nerve in his neck and

    fixed it. He told me that the old pain in his hands was now gone! He didn’t

    have arthritis after all. I wasn’t glad for the wreck, but it sure was good

    hearing that.

    When Bob recovered, Skip, his father, who had frowned on his career choice

    until then, changed his mind and stepped up to help financially. I was no

    longer manager but still a good friend. By now I was hooked on Hawaiian

    music and ready to hit the islands, but thieves got my crop and cancelled

    my plans. No problem. Bob and Mary Christine handed me a thousand dollars

    and made me promise to spend it ALL in the islands, none on bills.

    Bob came through again when Club Z. burned. For a couple of years he had

    been ‘my new best friend’. He has had numerous ‘new best friends’ since

    then. I know how bad you all feel.

    Bob and Mary seperated. At Bob’s request, I did what I could to help Mary.

    Her father was dying and she and her kids were angels at his side. I was

    impressed. Mary is a good woman, good mother and wife. With the dark cloud

    that had descended on her back then, unknown to me until now, I know that

    more than ever. I don’t know what to think. I don’t even know what to feel;

    and I have a lot of broken hearted, really fine people for company.

  • tom louagie

    Fallen angels aren’t a pretty sight.
    The sad truth is I really know that now.
    That truth is sad; I wish I didn’t know it.
    I wish I could forget but don’t know how.

    One we loved just hit the dirt real hard.
    How can we ever toss out all his jewels?
    They glisten all so brilliant in our memories.
    I guess we all must really feel like fools.

    So many things it’s hard not to remember;
    It was cozy in the Brookdale pouring rain;
    ‘Lady’ licked her butt out in the kitchen.
    None of us were feeling any pain.

    Drool buckets caught the leaky roof’s donations.
    Mary cooked; the kids were playing games.
    Meanwhile, Bob and I were spinning records,
    and I was learning old Hawaiian names.

    Sol Hoopi took us back to the good old 1920s,
    followed up by Ukelele Ike.
    Now it’s Charlie Patton on old vinyl.
    There’s nothing in this scene that’s not to like.

    Bob and Mary asked me to be Bob’s manager. I had finally given up on trying

    to drag the sixties into the nineties up at Club Zayante. But what about

    all my fine musician friends?

    “‘Trails End Performing Artists’, coming to YOUR little town. Catch ‘em

    before they’re famous!”

    I hitchhiked up the North Coast, checking out possible venues in

    picturesque little entertainment starved towns along the way – Fort Bragg,

    Westport, Casper, Mendocino, etc., ending up inland in dinky Hyampom on the

    Trinity River, the REAL end of the trail. But Bob was Trails End’s first

    and last out of the box, thanks to a lying, wild driving, sherrif’s deputy.

    Bob and I were both broke, but there was a free typewriter room at the

    library back then, so I put together a promo package and sent it to

    universities, nightclubs and recording studios. That got us a gig at The

    Crow’s Nest, then ‘The So-Cal ‘80 tour’ to L.A. with gigs in Big Sur and

    U.C. Santa Barbara along the way. Next we opened for Willie Nelson, Bonnie

    Raitt and Maria Muldaur at a packed benefit at the Santa Cruz Fairgrounds

    for Jane Fonda’s children’s camp. Next came an opening act in Berkeley with

    The Jerry Garcia Band and Maria Muldaur, then an opener for Merle Haggert

    in San Francisco. I invited Ed Denson of Kicking Mule Records to that show,

    and, after seeing him perform, he agreed to sign Bob.

    On our way out of Brookdale for our first recording session, I heard

    screeching tires coming around the curves the other way. I yelled,“Here

    comes a maniac!” and pulled onto the shoulder, but the cop skidded across

    both lanes and hit us head on. I got mildly hurt; Bob almost died and his

    instruments were badly screwed up.

    After Bob got out of the hospitol, he told me something wonderful. Before

    the crash, his hands were hurting. He had thought that he had had arthritis

    and that he was in for a short career; but when they operated on him for

    the accident they discovered an unrelated pinched nerve in his neck and

    fixed it. He told me that the old pain in his hands was now gone! He didn’t

    have arthritis after all. I wasn’t glad for the wreck, but it sure was good

    hearing that.

    When Bob recovered, Skip, his father, who had frowned on his career choice

    until then, changed his mind and stepped up to help financially. I was no

    longer manager but still a good friend. By now I was hooked on Hawaiian

    music and ready to hit the islands, but thieves got my crop and cancelled

    my plans. No problem. Bob and Mary Christine handed me a thousand dollars

    and made me promise to spend it ALL in the islands, none on bills.

    Bob came through again when Club Z. burned. For a couple of years he had

    been ‘my new best friend’. He has had numerous ‘new best friends’ since

    then. I know how bad you all feel.

    Bob and Mary seperated. At Bob’s request, I did what I could to help Mary.

    Her father was dying and she and her kids were angels at his side. I was

    impressed. Mary is a good woman, good mother and wife. With the dark cloud

    that had descended on her back then, unknown to me until now, I know that

    more than ever. I don’t know what to think. I don’t even know what to feel;

    and I have a lot of broken hearted, really fine people for company.

  • Duck Baker

    To Anonymous,

    I didn’t mean that there was anything wrong with your wish to remain anonymous. I don’t think you did anything wrong. In fact, I don’t know that anyone has done much wrong on this thread. The person who did the wrong is now gone. And since I last posted I have heard that things may be moving towards a little resolution, enough that some of the facts might be able to come out soon. But I’ll tell you one thing, if you had heard half of what has been told to people like me and MC and Ron, you’d have run out of the room. You may THINK you want to know, but believe me, you really don’t. None of us can come off looking good, you and I included, this stuff is really about the worst stuff there is and it messes with everyone. I’m sorry for everyone who has gotten into slagging contests over this because to me we all are just trying to deal, and the slagging is just a part of it.

    There’s only one good thing in all of this, and that is that no more children are going to be hurt by this man. I would only hope we learn from it to try and make the world a safer place for the innocents who can’t defend themselves.


    Duck Baker

  • Duck Baker

    To Anonymous,

    I didn’t mean that there was anything wrong with your wish to remain anonymous. I don’t think you did anything wrong. In fact, I don’t know that anyone has done much wrong on this thread. The person who did the wrong is now gone. And since I last posted I have heard that things may be moving towards a little resolution, enough that some of the facts might be able to come out soon. But I’ll tell you one thing, if you had heard half of what has been told to people like me and MC and Ron, you’d have run out of the room. You may THINK you want to know, but believe me, you really don’t. None of us can come off looking good, you and I included, this stuff is really about the worst stuff there is and it messes with everyone. I’m sorry for everyone who has gotten into slagging contests over this because to me we all are just trying to deal, and the slagging is just a part of it.

    There’s only one good thing in all of this, and that is that no more children are going to be hurt by this man. I would only hope we learn from it to try and make the world a safer place for the innocents who can’t defend themselves.


    Duck Baker

  • DuckBakerSTFU

    Anybody else wish Duck Baker would just STFU?

  • DuckBakerSTFU

    Anybody else wish Duck Baker would just STFU?

  • Duck Baker

    I was trying to let anonymous know that I didn’t think she had done anything wrong, and for that you wish I’d shut up? If you don’t want to see me respond, all you have to do is hold your own tongue, my friend. But I’ll suggest one thing, and that is, if you want to cling to the idea that the allegations are false or can’t be proven, you should definitely stop looking at these threads, because things are shifting, and the need for silence about some of the facts may soon be removed.

    Peace,  DB

  • Duck Baker

    I was trying to let anonymous know that I didn’t think she had done anything wrong, and for that you wish I’d shut up? If you don’t want to see me respond, all you have to do is hold your own tongue, my friend. But I’ll suggest one thing, and that is, if you want to cling to the idea that the allegations are false or can’t be proven, you should definitely stop looking at these threads, because things are shifting, and the need for silence about some of the facts may soon be removed.

    Peace,  DB

  • To Tom

    Dear Tom,  Thanks for sharing. Your kind heart shines through.  If I hadn’t left Santa Cruz, I’m sure we would still be as close as ever.  I always wondered if Bob would let the jewel of your friendship slip away.  Thanks for being a part of my family for all of those years, and still forever in my heart.

  • To Tom

    Dear Tom,  Thanks for sharing. Your kind heart shines through.  If I hadn’t left Santa Cruz, I’m sure we would still be as close as ever.  I always wondered if Bob would let the jewel of your friendship slip away.  Thanks for being a part of my family for all of those years, and still forever in my heart.

  • vonduk

    No, just you, Duck please keep writing and sharing your comments, so far I and a lot of people find them rational and prudent, so that’s fine…Duck in its good time you’ll let us know more I believe, I still appreciate Bob’s music and talent of course…but never in the same way.

  • vonduk

    No, just you, Duck please keep writing and sharing your comments, so far I and a lot of people find them rational and prudent, so that’s fine…Duck in its good time you’ll let us know more I believe, I still appreciate Bob’s music and talent of course…but never in the same way.

  • Des Hehir

    Thanks for your respectful and informative explanation Duck.
    I was deeply saddened by Bob’s passing, and have only very recently been made aware of this darker side to Bob’s life, and death. I find myself thinking of Bob’s guitar with it’s engraving on the back that said, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”. I always put this down to Bob’s almost hypomanic outlook on life (indeed I often wondered if he had BipolarDisorder). But now this engraving seems to have taken on a somewhat more sinister aspect?
    I’m still saddened by his passing, he was a great musician, but now i’m also saddened by the pain he seems to left behind him.
    So definitely – Peace now!
    Peace to Bob and Peace to those he has left behind.

  • Des Hehir

    Thanks for your respectful and informative explanation Duck.
    I was deeply saddened by Bob’s passing, and have only very recently been made aware of this darker side to Bob’s life, and death. I find myself thinking of Bob’s guitar with it’s engraving on the back that said, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”. I always put this down to Bob’s almost hypomanic outlook on life (indeed I often wondered if he had BipolarDisorder). But now this engraving seems to have taken on a somewhat more sinister aspect?
    I’m still saddened by his passing, he was a great musician, but now i’m also saddened by the pain he seems to left behind him.
    So definitely – Peace now!
    Peace to Bob and Peace to those he has left behind.

  • Scott Ainslie

    I have been slow to look into this and still find myself squinting at it, wondering what facts might come out, who might be harmed or helped…

    The basic fact is that Brozman gave himself a death sentence and executed it. In the absence of anything else, there was something very wrong in his life or in his perception of it.

    If the rumors and allegations serve anyone, it would be not slide guitar loving voyeurs, but as Duck Baker has noted, the victims. Trauma, especially trauma associated with shame and the violation of our values, can kill not just the victims, but the perpetrators.

    The key to the communalization of trauma, a new term of art, is that 1) someone must be willing and welcomed to say what happened without being condemned, in sufficient detail that the listener can actually appreciate what it would have been like to be there; 2) a listener or several have to have the heart to hear about the trauma without falling apart or issuing judgements on the experience; and 3) someone, not the victim or perpetrator, has to be able to re-tell the experience to someone else is sufficient detail so that the victim or perpetrator feels like they have been heard and that the retelling is true in essential ways. At that point, the weight of the trauma spreads onto the shoulders of those involved, rather than exerting a killing weight on either the victim, or the perpetrator.

    In this case, too much went unsaid for too long. The road to suicide is paved with silence. Finding a way to listen, something we musicians might have extraordinary skill at, can be a way of helping without having to ‘do’ anything.

    Everything about this makes me sad. Reflect with me. The need to know what happened, the need to do something, may be a lot smaller than you think.


  • Scott Ainslie

    I have been slow to look into this and still find myself squinting at it, wondering what facts might come out, who might be harmed or helped…

    The basic fact is that Brozman gave himself a death sentence and executed it. In the absence of anything else, there was something very wrong in his life or in his perception of it.

    If the rumors and allegations serve anyone, it would be not slide guitar loving voyeurs, but as Duck Baker has noted, the victims. Trauma, especially trauma associated with shame and the violation of our values, can kill not just the victims, but the perpetrators.

    The key to the communalization of trauma, a new term of art, is that 1) someone must be willing and welcomed to say what happened without being condemned, in sufficient detail that the listener can actually appreciate what it would have been like to be there; 2) a listener or several have to have the heart to hear about the trauma without falling apart or issuing judgements on the experience; and 3) someone, not the victim or perpetrator, has to be able to re-tell the experience to someone else is sufficient detail so that the victim or perpetrator feels like they have been heard and that the retelling is true in essential ways. At that point, the weight of the trauma spreads onto the shoulders of those involved, rather than exerting a killing weight on either the victim, or the perpetrator.

    In this case, too much went unsaid for too long. The road to suicide is paved with silence. Finding a way to listen, something we musicians might have extraordinary skill at, can be a way of helping without having to ‘do’ anything.

    Everything about this makes me sad. Reflect with me. The need to know what happened, the need to do something, may be a lot smaller than you think.


  • Dirt Pitt

    I guess the author just believed the manager who’s daughter was abused. I would tend to believe the manager wouldn’t make that up either.

  • Dirt Pitt

    I guess the author just believed the manager who’s daughter was abused. I would tend to believe the manager wouldn’t make that up either.

  • jcm1953

    I have a theory about this. I believe that men will overlook bad behavior in a man whose skills they admire. “He may be an asshole, he may abuse his wife, he may be a lousy business partner, he might molest children—but boy, can he play guitar!”

    Whereas for women, like I heard a male musician say about Joni Mitchell, it’s “Yeah, sure, she’s a great musician and songwriter, but she’s a bitch.”

    So I view some of the comments here in that light.

  • jcm1953

    I have a theory about this. I believe that men will overlook bad behavior in a man whose skills they admire. “He may be an asshole, he may abuse his wife, he may be a lousy business partner, he might molest children—but boy, can he play guitar!”

    Whereas for women, like I heard a male musician say about Joni Mitchell, it’s “Yeah, sure, she’s a great musician and songwriter, but she’s a bitch.”

    So I view some of the comments here in that light.

  • Julie H

    One of the last times I saw Bob at the local nursery (he was enamored of gardening and grew vegetables and raised chickens), he looked at me with despair in his eyes and said “I can no longer carry these little pots”. He held up his poor hands…

    When music is your life and your soul, what’s left when you can no longer play?

    My 17-year old boyfriend took the same escape route when I was 16, 50 years ago now. He was only running from the pain, as I’m sure Bob was. I’ve known Bob long enough to know that one of his endearing qualities that I got to know was his integrity. I, for one, will always love him for the fantastic human being I thought he was.


  • Julie H

    One of the last times I saw Bob at the local nursery (he was enamored of gardening and grew vegetables and raised chickens), he looked at me with despair in his eyes and said “I can no longer carry these little pots”. He held up his poor hands…

    When music is your life and your soul, what’s left when you can no longer play?

    My 17-year old boyfriend took the same escape route when I was 16, 50 years ago now. He was only running from the pain, as I’m sure Bob was. I’ve known Bob long enough to know that one of his endearing qualities that I got to know was his integrity. I, for one, will always love him for the fantastic human being I thought he was.


  • John Bianchi

    Really, Duck.  Though it’s been months since this happened, I just saw your response and have to tell you how eloquent your comment is.



  • John Bianchi

    Really, Duck.  Though it’s been months since this happened, I just saw your response and have to tell you how eloquent your comment is.



  • Jackson

    Then there are those who live in a dream world and can be suckered by pointy headed professors into believing man made global warming exists.  When in fact they are in denial about the conflict of interest.  ie:  if they prove GW is not a factor, then they lose their jobs. No longer needed.

  • Jackson

    Then there are those who live in a dream world and can be suckered by pointy headed professors into believing man made global warming exists.  When in fact they are in denial about the conflict of interest.  ie:  if they prove GW is not a factor, then they lose their jobs. No longer needed.

  • Sean

    “Not one person from the musical community Bob came out of in the 1970’s is saying that the allegations aren’t true, and several of us are saying they are”

    So what you’re saying is that several of you were enablers of his behavior?  How can “some of us” say the allegations are true without knowledge of the crime?  The “several of us” are just as guilty as Bob supposedly is if you had suspicion and didn’t act on it.  So if it is indeed true, how does it feel to enable such reprehensible behavior?

  • Sean

    “Not one person from the musical community Bob came out of in the 1970’s is saying that the allegations aren’t true, and several of us are saying they are”

    So what you’re saying is that several of you were enablers of his behavior?  How can “some of us” say the allegations are true without knowledge of the crime?  The “several of us” are just as guilty as Bob supposedly is if you had suspicion and didn’t act on it.  So if it is indeed true, how does it feel to enable such reprehensible behavior?

  • Mark Stenzler

    I heard Bob play in Zurich in 2009. He was certainly a master of his art.  I played several tracks from “Post-Industrial Blues” regularly on my blues radio show

    When I heard of Bob’s passing, I was very sad. I wept. I read a couple of days later that he had died by choice, which made me angry that such a fine artist would extinguish such a talented flame.

    I only learn of these allegations this evening.  I am now very sad and very angry. I have no way to make a judgement, but it is certainly believable that these events could have occurred.  Why didn’t any of those around Bob intervene?
    I am sad and angry because It is painful to realize that it is possible that the duality can be true:  Have an incredible ability to share a deep musical understanding, while having a terribly hurtful dark side.

    Unfortunately, this is part of the human condition and accepting that reality makes me grieve. And grieve deeply.

  • Mark Stenzler

    I heard Bob play in Zurich in 2009. He was certainly a master of his art.  I played several tracks from “Post-Industrial Blues” regularly on my blues radio show

    When I heard of Bob’s passing, I was very sad. I wept. I read a couple of days later that he had died by choice, which made me angry that such a fine artist would extinguish such a talented flame.

    I only learn of these allegations this evening.  I am now very sad and very angry. I have no way to make a judgement, but it is certainly believable that these events could have occurred.  Why didn’t any of those around Bob intervene?
    I am sad and angry because It is painful to realize that it is possible that the duality can be true:  Have an incredible ability to share a deep musical understanding, while having a terribly hurtful dark side.

    Unfortunately, this is part of the human condition and accepting that reality makes me grieve. And grieve deeply.

  • Jeff McFadden

    A dear friend of mine took his own life after proof of his pedophilia came to light.  It isn’t known that he ever specifically abused any girls, aside from video taping baby sitters in the bathroom, but that alone was enough to ruin his life.  A mostly good man died because of a poisonous drive he couldn’t control.  This is a terribly sad reality viewed from any side

  • Jeff McFadden

    A dear friend of mine took his own life after proof of his pedophilia came to light.  It isn’t known that he ever specifically abused any girls, aside from video taping baby sitters in the bathroom, but that alone was enough to ruin his life.  A mostly good man died because of a poisonous drive he couldn’t control.  This is a terribly sad reality viewed from any side

  • Lafe Dutton

    “Innocent until proven guilty” is not just a law: it’s a philosophy.

    With allegations as serious as these I wouldn’t trust my children (or yours)  with him unsupervised but I also wouldn’t assume guilt.

    What you yourself chose tells your mirror a lot about you.

    Writing and printing this article must have raised some tough issues for both the writer and the publisher. I’m glad it wasn’t me.

  • Lafe Dutton

    “Innocent until proven guilty” is not just a law: it’s a philosophy.

    With allegations as serious as these I wouldn’t trust my children (or yours)  with him unsupervised but I also wouldn’t assume guilt.

    What you yourself chose tells your mirror a lot about you.

    Writing and printing this article must have raised some tough issues for both the writer and the publisher. I’m glad it wasn’t me.

  • Bobby Worrell

    I never knew of Bob Brosman, until I moved here from NC. What a great guitar player. Less than a week after I discovered his music, he died. Now this…is the truth important? If any of the allegations are true…anything he did is nothing.  If a person takes it upon themselves to learn to play and entertain, as he did, only to support his sexual criminality possibly all over the world, what should be done with him? Too late, it seems he became judge, jury and executioner in his own case. Is that an admission of guilt?

    But if the allegations are not true, I am appalled. Being a survivor my fiancé‘s suicide 4 years ago, my heart goes out for his family.

  • Bobby Worrell

    I never knew of Bob Brosman, until I moved here from NC. What a great guitar player. Less than a week after I discovered his music, he died. Now this…is the truth important? If any of the allegations are true…anything he did is nothing.  If a person takes it upon themselves to learn to play and entertain, as he did, only to support his sexual criminality possibly all over the world, what should be done with him? Too late, it seems he became judge, jury and executioner in his own case. Is that an admission of guilt?

    But if the allegations are not true, I am appalled. Being a survivor my fiancé‘s suicide 4 years ago, my heart goes out for his family.

  • Skip Sail

    I knew Bob very well. I was his Australian road manager and support act for over ten years,and in that time felt that i understood this complex,brilliant and often infuriating man.
    He could be incredibly generous,then become very insensitive to people around him,but some of that was due to his Aspergers syndrome.
    On the road,he was good company and we talked for hours about the old music we loved.
    A year after his death,I am still in a state of confusion about the allegations.
    I never saw any inkling of the behaviour he is accused of,but can find no other way to explain his suicide.
    He was my friend.I still miss him.
    Skip Sail

  • Skip Sail

    I knew Bob very well. I was his Australian road manager and support act for over ten years,and in that time felt that i understood this complex,brilliant and often infuriating man.
    He could be incredibly generous,then become very insensitive to people around him,but some of that was due to his Aspergers syndrome.
    On the road,he was good company and we talked for hours about the old music we loved.
    A year after his death,I am still in a state of confusion about the allegations.
    I never saw any inkling of the behaviour he is accused of,but can find no other way to explain his suicide.
    He was my friend.I still miss him.
    Skip Sail

  • ineluctable

    This article was tasteless and a low blow. For one it offers zero evidence to back up it’s major claim. Yes child abuse happens but an accusation is not proof. Do you really think someone as talented as Bob would have thrown it all away to do something so stupid? Not a chance. Why did he bother being an inspiration to so many the world over if he was really just an evil monster inside? That’s not the way it works. The whole she said he said he did this and I heard this happened makes for great sensationalism at best.

    • Cookie Lipschitz

      You clearly know nothing about what motivates pedophiles.

  • He who laughs Last

    Bob Brozman always gave me the creeps. Now, I know why.
    Wonder how all the idiots from the IGS Guitar Forum feel knowing that they worshipped a pedophile??

    LMAO at you idiots.

    • Bob Gappa

      Your anger is very shallow. To inquire as to the pain of people in the IGS Guitar Forum because you wanted them to feel worse. Did these people do you any harm?

      • Cletus T Possum

        He was creepy. Didn’t surprise me at all when the truth came out that he liked to diddle little boys.

        • eddiepunch

          little girls. the accusations concern little girls.

          • Paul Long

            What difference this isnt a sexist discussion! I have two daughters but really helpless children why u make distinction like one is worse than other?

          • eddiepunch

            The difference is accuracy. One is true the other isn’t. There is no judgement in my correction of “Didn’t surprise me at all when the truth came out that he liked to diddle little boys.”

            This entire affair is about Brozman, his attraction to and abuse of young girls in his environment and his abuse of a position of trust.

          • Cletus T Possum
          • eddiepunch

            I object strongly to your cartoon above and taking pleasure in anyone’s death, criminal or not.

            Would the mods please remove it ?

          • Bob Gappa

            If you can’t dance on the graves of monsters what fun is life

          • Dr Fever

            Many, if not most, such monsters were created by other monsters – without whose abuse they might not have become monsters themselves. In that narrow sense, dancing on the graves of monsters is monstrous in and of itself.

    • Paul Long

      There is no lmao foo u tryin to be cute stronzo?

      • Paul Long

        He was out of his mind but u jus gettin attention puto

  • eddiepunch

    I have never heard anything to connect Bob Brozman to Aspergers Syndrome. I dispute that entirely.

    Strange that no one up to now has spoken about Bob’s chronic use/abuse of Marijuana. As his Roadie you must know about this. I have never seen anyone that was more obsessed with Marijuana than Bob. I was with Bob three times in New York, Seattle, Trnava, Slovakia, London and Germany. Everywhere we were Bob’s single preocupation was weed, weed weed.

    • Cookie Lipschitz

      Liking weed doesn’t make you a pedophile, doofus.

      • eddiepunch

        Never said that it did honey, just it’s strange no-one even mentions it, “Oh, there are some things folk just don’t talk about” Is that a fact ? Like what exactly, what don’t people talk about ?

        Do you get a kick out of name calling ? How does it help develop this topic in anyway ?

        • Bob Gappa

          Eddiepunch I agree with your assesment about those people get a kick out of computer hating. They are weak minded and mean.

      • Jav Nok

        But liking weed to the point of obsession can cause someone to become filled with espiar when they imagine how some substance controls them. Also, anyone who likes cannabis that much is trying to self medicate depression or anxiety. Perhaps he was always suicidal and at some point the cannabis stopped working.

    • Doug

      In Oz grass is everywhere, it’s too easy to find and a hell of a lot of people smoke it. So Skip probably knew about it but so what? It seems trivial really – what does it matter if he smoked a lot of grass?
      Skip claims to have been Bob’s road manager and support act in Oz for over 10 years – it sounds like Skip got to know him very well. Maybe Skip knew Bob better than you.

    • w older

      Weed is less harmful to one self and those around than booze which you can buy everywhere. Personally I do not have time to be stoned but it ain’t all that harmful.

      • eddiepunch

        Bob was total obsessed with weed. You should have seen him when he didn’t have any. I have and it wasn’t nice.

      • Jav Nok

        While cannabis is less destructive than alcohol, some people use it to self medicate some awful emotions which otherwise would be very debilitating.

    • pwlsax

      Being aspie isn’t a pathology…it’s as much a help as a hindrance. Lots of musicians, historians, and collectors are on the autism spectrum. If you meet a “walking archive,” and it sounds like he was one, that’s a tell.

  • Vauban

    We human beings are a complicated and contradictory lot. In over 60 years on this planet I’ve learned we are capable of just about anything-from heroism to sadism and everything in between. If there is any truth to this aspect of Bob’s life, he most likely was a victim first and a perpetrator second.

  • Cookie Lipschitz

    ABsolutely spot on.

  • Graeme Raymond

    Totally and utterly shocked to hear of Bob’s passing. For whatever reason, ( I am too shocked to even think through it all) The light has gone out on a wonderful musician. How could one who can create such musical pleasure, be guilty of such a crime. I will need more proof than just accusation to believe this.

  • Shaney

    I don’t know much about bob but any time I watched his interviews he always slammed the music industry constantly said he hated celebrities and wasn’t afraid of them so they probably made it all up like they did Michael Jackson to ruin his career

  • Bill Allen

    fyi: when Bob was in Margate Florida, his father was dying. I mentioned that I had cancer and he responded that he was diagnosed with melanoma. That was back in ’09. That might explain bone degeneration other than arthritis… That obit had some basis in knowledge.

    • vicktrola

      Well, if he had melanoma, a particularly virulent form of cancer, in 2009 and was still alive 4 years later, then they either caught it early and he was cured, or he was lying.

  • Bill Allen

    Global warming is fiction…

  • Rentboy

    I don’t care. Brozman’s music is his legacy. I have no problem- in light of these accusations -enjoying his work.

    • ralph4pres

      You are kidding if this doesn’t change your view on him.
      Pretty much the worst thing you can do to another person

      • Rentboy

        I can separate the man from the music.

        • Paul Long

          You’re no better if not the piece of s…..t a any pedophile for your “neutral” stance. U jus a coward n probably wouldn’t stand up to yo own mama!

  • Dink Bridgers

    I just found out about Bob’s death and now I know why it has taken so long to have someone tell me about it. I mentioned him on Facebook and bingo, a fellow musician messaged me. I really didn’t know Bob. I only had a couple of conversations with Bob over the phone, but we had a strong connection, which was National guitars and we shared some things stylistically in our playing of said instruments. There was something weird and creepy about his playing to me, which is neither here or there, but he was certainly a master of the instrument and entertaining to Europeans, at least. He wanted me to know that he liked the music I was recording solo and live on a National squareneck baritone tricone guitar at the time. And we talked about Black Ace, a fellow I’d met years before. Bob had made a mistake in his book, saying that Ace was dead years before I met him. I assured him that when I met Ace he was skin and bones and he could have been dead, but he was standing upright and he shook my hand.

    The allegations of child abuse are truly disturbing and because I haven’t been following and will not be following the situation, I will simply offer my feelings: If the accusations are true, it is just sad and I pray those effected find the healing they need and the awareness to appropriately share their experiences so that the cycle does not continue. If the allegations are false or wildly exaggerated, I feel horrible for Bob, who deserves to be appreciated for the music he made.

    It is an interesting fact of our lives as artists and art lovers that sometimes we find ourselves loving the work despite the actions of the artist. There are people who have found joy in Bob’s work who have to confront the facts of being in the human race, a species of ape that can make beautiful music while we rape, torture, murder, create genocide and kill the planet. We all have hand in it. I like Hilter’s paintings for the art in them, for the truth in them and I can’t lie simply because the man turned into a meth monster who got away with genocide. I love Stan Brakhage’s films and he was a personal friend, but he molested students in his office. I heard the stories from the students, but no one wants to hear and I feel the same about his victims. I hope they find a way to deal and are open about their experience so that we all confront the facts. But just how evil does one have to be before we turn their blessed gifts into trash and consider them as beyond redemption, even in death.

    Poor Bob committed suicide. Was he a coward? Was he riddled with guilt? Was he depressed because he couldn’t molest more kids or play his guitar like he used to? Was he destroyed by the fact that his friends would lie about him? I prefer to think that he was he just facing the music. Now he’s going to have to listen to his music for the all eternity. Is that heaven? Or is that hell?

    • Paul Long

      I think he alteady was in what u call HELL wouldn’t u agree?

    • Lewis Edwards

      Either way everyone could be innocent until proven guilty and it is unknown except to the man who is no longer here. it would be very easy for me to make the allegation that everyone on here is a paedophile, but I cant back that up so until proven otherwise the man is a musical genius and did a lot for music all over the world and didn’t spend his life shit posting online. I do hope its not true as I was in awe of the man and his knowledge and passion for music and found him very inspiring. Dink i agree with you with a lot of what you said and you have to consider the seriousness of these allegations against him, but the only certainty left behind in his legacy is great music and performances all around the world in which he inspired and entertained many. and its all well documented and its not like he,s on you tube molesting children, people are strange and it is a terrible sin to pray on the weakness and vulnerability of a child to satisfy their own selfish desires, but I would also say it is as strange to make that kind of accusation that would inevitably destroy everything that a person had worked so hard for especially without having any sort of evidence to back up any of these claims. Thank you for sharing your music Bob Brozman and may you rest in peace. I also wish his family and the ones closest to him to see the light at the end of the tunnel and not live in shame and be proud of the good he did and if there is a victim, that I am sorry for and offer my condolences and encourage you to move on. and in the case that if its certain people maliciously attacking a poor man for whatever reason, maybe out of jealously or spite, then I will say you will get your comeuppance and those people usually eat their selves away relatively quickly anybody full of hatred does.

  • Cletus T Possum

    True. Instead of confessing to his sick perversions, he chose to off himself. He was the ultimate creepy coward.

    • Bob Gappa

      I’m divided in half and can’t think this through. I’m writing this from the stand point of a victim. And as someone who admired his talent before I found out about his destroying lives I still feel confused and angry. The anger will win it always does.

  • w older

    Charlie Manson was probably an OK dude on the outside. But he liked to chop up and eat people. I don’t think he played guitar however.

    • Alan Conn

      Actually he was indeed a guitar player and song writer and he never ATE anybody.

      • Paul Long

        Not till he got to the joint

    • Paul Long

      WTF you talking bout? Were talkin bout pedophilia here are there more of you? I was thinkin bout coming back to Santa Cruz but guys like u why I got the F out of there maybe Monterrey s…I sakes!

      • Paul Long

        OJ ate faces u confused

  • Paul Long

    I watched utube video of Bob playing with Ledeward why u need password?Kaapana,it was 1st I ever saw him and I’m going to be completely honest, I noticed an erratic strange confused behavior n I thought “this guy’s wired” somn ain’t right, and he played over Leeward in his accompaniment, drowning him out. He was good musician but I didn’t like it he wanted the center. I formed a negative opinion of him based on his rather egotistical stage manners. Then I later changed to watching an interview of him, and thought maybe I was wrong about the guy, he’s brilliant. OK what’s this got to do with the issue at hand? Sexual predators are not discernable by outward appearances. One of my children was molested and stalked by “nice” Christian leaders in our church, to this day they have used their popularity to vilify us. People do not objectively accept negative reports about “powerful” people or those they look up to, why? because in a twisted way they take it personally. I have been around drug users who can “maintain” especially amphetamine users and I recognize the mannerisms of some users including pharmaceuticals. His blues was “overdone” musically perfect but he seemed “out of his mind” Then I had no idea that Bob lived in Santa Cruz cuz my brother to me he did and having lived their during “60s” looked it up not knowing any of this ugly business! My inclination is to think there’s merit to the allegations. Unfortunately Bob is not the victim, but the abused are going to have a hard time for many reasons. I went thru drug addiction of u name it. I thank God I’m in recovery, and my educated guess is drugs had some but not all a part in this. I never resorted to this horrible action, but I encourage those who blind themselves only cuz they “liked” Bob or his music, what an injustice to the hurt survivors cuz Bob aint talkin

    • Paul Long

      Used to play blues guitar at Catalyst my bro John Long was blues harp with Spider somthin long time ago into slack key now but still got my blues chops. My daughter became flamenco guitarist studied with Juan Serrano at Fresno State I’m proud of her! She good playd 3 finger tremolo in1/32 notes if any u out there remember me u can gmail me [email protected] CIAO.

  • Paul Long

    Planet earth calling Jacson, come in, u r hallucinating the pointy heads r our friends! Where the F they find putos like u?

  • eddiepunch

    Coming back to this “He could be incredibly generous,then become very insensitive to people
    around him,but some of that was due to his Aspergers syndrome.”

    Aspergers syndrome is a condition within the Autistic Spectrum. Bob Brozam was in no way autistic, ergo he could not possibly have had Aspergers syndrome.

    The “Aspergers syndrome” self diagnosis has become quite fashionable as an explanation for all sorts excetric behavioral patterns. Where did you get this gemstome from ? Did Bob Brozman describe himself as having “Aspergers syndrome” ? Or did you read about it and decide “Yea, that fits Bob” ?

    • The

      You can take the time to learn what Aspergers really is. While its an autism spectrum disorder, it’s at the end of the spectrum and often times is in no way associated with the dysfunctions we commonly think of when we think of ‘autism’. CEOs have Aspergers. Politicians have it and it’s WAY common among musicians. Pedophilia aside, it would not surprise me if he had Aspergers. His demeanor definitely conveyed that.

      • eddiepunch

        “You can take the time to learn what Aspergers really is.”
        I already have. Bob was not autistic. BTW, Bob never made this claim and I was with him often enough. An Australian Roadie chucked in a comment about “Bob’s Asperger Syndrome”. That is not a statement of fact that it was so. It may be a really hip explanation for Bob’s eratic life and lifestyle butwishing something doesn’t make it true.

        • The

          The problem is, you don’t understand what Aspergers actually is (in spite of trying to buttress your credibility with an anecdote about speaking to someone at an ‘Aperger clinic’). If you did, you’d realize that the personality traits he manifested were blatantly Aspie. Again, you don’t understand this because you don’t know what Aspergers is, which is why you keep saying ‘autism’ instead.

          • eddiepunch

            “the personality traits he manifested were blatantly Aspie.” – Exactly right but that alone does not give a diagnosis of Asperger’s. People that have Asperger’s Syndrome ARE AUSTIC. Bob Brozman was not autistic, ergo he did not have Asperger’s. That’s the plain truth. You can’t do anything about it.

            “the personality traits he manifested could be blatantly OCD, PTSD, Hyper Focusing, etc, etc etc.” Who knows, who cares.

            Here is one of the scribble notices that emerged from one of my interviews at the “Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – Spezialsprechstunde AS”
            It demonstrates a spectrum of possible causes for behavior that is often gleefully classed as AS. Again, Bob was not Austic, Bob did not have AS

            END OF TOPIC – go away little boy



            Also, I am posting under my real name and you are hiding behind a pseudonym. I don’t owe you any explanations for my understanding of AS and you have absolutly no right to use cheap statements like “[sic](in spite of trying to buttress your credibility with an anecdote about speaking to someone at an ‘Aperger clinic’)”

          • The

            It doesn’t matter. You’re triumphantly demonstrating that you’re naively clueless about he topic at hand but since you have an emotional attachment to the subject in question, you can’t let go of the fact that you’re not an authority on this aspect of his existence, no matter how much time you spent with him. Whether he underwent a formal Aspergers diagnosis or not serves legal purposes. People who know what to look for in Aspergers Syndrome, who can make an accurate evaluation AND ALSO KNEW HIM are in a much better position to make that judgement call since they understand things about Aspergers that you don’t. Watching you argue against it is evidence of just how little about it you know, given that he was textbook. Sorry. You’re a clueless blowhard. You know, literally, nothing about this. But keep talking.

          • eddiepunch

            **** Y A W N ****

          • The

            Be that as it may, you’re still utterly wrong.

          • eddiepunch

            Who are you anyway ?
            Reveal yourself coward.
            Stop hiding.

            “People who know what to look for in Aspergers Syndrome, who can make an
            accurate evaluation AND ALSO KNEW HIM are in a much better position to
            make that judgement call since they understand things about Aspergers
            that you don’t.”

            And that’s you ? Are you this person “who can make an
            accurate evaluation AND ALSO KNEW HIM” ?

            Speak up.

  • george orwell

    As a player of both lap and standard style slide guitar, I have several of his DVD training courses. I’m still just beginning to mine the insane amount of knowledge he had about these styles, and what he could do with them.

    I, like so many, was completely shocked to the core when I heard he had committed suicide. I too, as many others, had heard the rumors that it was due to his worsening chronic issues resulting from an auto accident in 1980, and that he was looking at the prospect of one day soon not being able to play because of it. Not that it makes taking one’s own life justified, but it does make it more understandable, considering it literally was his entire life.

    I had heard rumors of the charges of molestation, but they were so scant that I didn’t want to believe them, and honestly, the worsening chronic condition pushing him to take his own life sounded more plausible and definitely something others have done.

    As I was getting one of the courses down from my bookshelf to start (this is one I had, but had forgotten I had it), it struck me that I’m not sure how I feel about watching this (it’s what prompted me to go online to look for more information regarding this sordid story).

    Is it wrong to learn guitar techniques (or anything) from someone you believe could possibly have done some of these terrible things? I understand the two things are completely different. I am hoping I can ‘turn off’ that part of my brain, and just concentrate on the music, but it has a creepy feeling about it. In any case, the whole damn thing is just terrible and tragic, in particular, any children that were victims.


  • The

    The individual in question committed suicide in light of allegations. That means there will be no investigation by authorities, as the subject is dead. I too am a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty but there are accusations and there are accusations. In this case, it was several people, some of whom were very close, none of whom stood anything to gain.

    • eddiepunch

      Most important are the children themselves. Two children, independent of each other have told similar stories of what has happened to them. Classic example of Achems Razor.

      I also have, on very good authority from a scorce I totaly trust, that there is a third report of child abuse against Bob Brozman, this time in Mainland Europe.

      • Mark Abbott

        I was thinking of this topic today and wondered if anything had been proven. I seem to remember the allegations came from an ex wife and ex manager who may have an axe to grind.

        If Bob is guilty then he did terrible things, if he is innocent then those people who have perpetrated this story have done terrible things to Bob Brozman.

        I still think one cannot come to any conclusion without some proof. The internet has become a kangaroo court and that has to be taken into consideration.

  • Steve Jones

    Some people will give a pass to anyone who entertains and amuses them,then others will not suspect anyone because of the way they look and act,while others will suspect anyone because of the way they look and act…..bottom line is any human being is capable of anything that any other human being is capable of regardless of talents and abilities.


    I never heard this crap until last week…
    YOU ARE OFFERING ONLY GENERIC, VAGUE GIBBERISH ABOUT THE TYPE OF CRIMINAL WHO COMMITS THIS OFFENSE, AND NO SPECIFICS, YET YOU BABBLE ON THAT BECAUSE A RUMOR HAS SPREAD, IT MUST BE TRUE….typical “journalism” of today….the threats against you are very well founded and it is you who should be ashamed…go work at a car wash…

    instead of besmirching Bob’s life, GET A LIFE OF YOUR OWN !!!

    P.S. you’re jealous of Bob’s talent and success…

    • vicktrola

      You can’t be serious.


    HARD TRUTHS?????????????
    you are giving us “copy pasta” fodder with ZERO INFO to connect Brozman, other than innuendo….

    Duck Baker = jealous grudge from a hack who never made it …babbles on and on about Bob’s father’s wealth (first he was a Manhattan developer, then he was a broker)

    Gary Atkinson = co-writer wants more money

    Mary Christine = gold-digger ex-wife wants more money

    • Dr Fever

      Something in all this clearly hits home for you. Disparagement is the best way to expose existence of some unresolved conflict. That’s a beginning. Good luck with your resolution.

  • West Winds

    Gary Atkinson, Brozman’s former UK manager stated that while Brozman was in the UK on tour (1994), Brozman molested Mr. Atkinson’s nine year old daughter.This is not an “opinion” this is a fact. And even if this girl had been the only one Brozman violated, it is damning enough.

  • Mark Abbott

    It has been six years since Nob Brozman’s death and I can’t say I’ve heard anymore about these allegations.

    This isn’t to say Bob didn’t do these crimes, but as nothing has come out. You’d have to be sceptical.

    I’m happy to be proven wrong, and I’d like links showing some proof over internet allegations.

    Thanks for your time.

  • Jason

    Hi Skip. I never met Bob but I did see him perform in Canberra and he would have to be one of the best guitarists I’ve seen. I only found out about his death now after I saw him on a rerun of spicks and specs reminded me of him, so googled him. I am so shocked and saddened about his death, such a lost talent. I also saw you at that gig and bought your album, or it may have been at the Illawarra folk festival.