Faced with severe water shortages, parks and playing fields in Santa Cruz County have begun to replace their grass with synthetic Astroturf.
Faced with severe water shortages, parks and playing fields in Santa Cruz County have begun to replace their grass with synthetic Astroturf. One of the many to make the switch will be Anna Jean Cummings Park on Old San Jose Road, which will install the Astroturf on two soccer fields. Though the project cost $2 million, it will save on maintenance fees in the long run, and on water costs totaling as much as $18,000 a year. About 5.2 million gallons of water are spent each year maintaining the two fields.
Other parks and schools throughout the county that have already made the switch include Santa Cruz’s Depot Park and playing fields at Cabrillo College, Watsonville High, Aptos High, San Lorenzo High and Soquel High. Coaches report that athletes suffer fewer injuries on the artificial grass. Parents report fewer hard-to-remove grass stains from their kids’ uniforms. Read more at Santa Cruz Sentinel.