
Ten Questions for Sara Friedlander

What do you do for a living?
I’m an artist working in mixed media (paint and photography), though I’m not sure you can call what I’m doing “making a living.”

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing that?
I’d be doing exactly what I’m doing right now, but I’d actually be “making a living.”

What do you do in your free time?
Spend time with family and friends, travel, participate in art groups, and experiment with new art forms. Found-object jewelry-making is my latest fascination.

What brought you to Santa Cruz?
A long roundabout story, but coming from the East coast in 1973, it was the redwood trees and this funky, leftist, small town community close to the Bay Area, that drew my husband Cliff and me here. It helped that we found an apartment for $125/mo. the day we drove into town, and that our landlord promised it would be shirt-sleeve weather all year ’round. Oganookie was playing at the old Catalyst and you couldn’t find a cappucino anywhere.

What’s your favorite street?
Ocean Street Extension and Mill Road for their country feel and close proximity to town.

Name something you’re excited about.
Having lived to see the Bush Administration go down and seeing a resurgence of young people getting involved in the political process, the community and the arts. Barack Obama is truly inspirational. I’m thrilled to have a president who speaks so eloquently and in complete sentences. And I’m excited to help him, in some small way, accomplish his goals.

Name a pet peeve.
That Cheney and Rove haven’t been prosecuted and imprisoned yet.

What are you reading?
Mostly news commentary, blogs and editorials daily on the internet.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in the last three

That indeed politics can and does make sweeping pendulum swings and therefore, it’s important not to give up hope. Meanwhile, I’m continually learning to feel and express gratitude.

Recent personal food trend?
Chicken Tikka Marsala naan wraps at the Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays and making summer salads with fresh strawberries, kumquats, and basil.

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