What do you do for a living?
I own Atlantis Fantasyworld, where I have sold comics and related items for the last 33 years. I also play guitar and sing at the Shadowbrook on Friday nights.
What would you be doing if you weren’t doing that?
Something involving people and music.
What do you do in your free time?
Learn new songs for my act.
What brought you to Santa Cruz?
My first wife wanted to come “home” to Corralitos in 1976.
What’s your favorite street?
Morrissey Boulevard. It just looks like “Old Santa Cruz” in its heyday.
Name something you’re excited about.
Hosting Floyd Norman at our store. In 1956 he became the first African American animator to work at Disney. I’ve got a million questions to ask him.
Name a pet peeve.
Pedestrians who step off the curb into the crosswalk even though a car
has already entered the intersection.
What are you reading?
Twenty Two Months. It is James Reding’s account of his time as a sailor in the Pacific Theater During WWII.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in the last three years?
That today is more important than yesterday or tomorrow.
Recent personal food trend?
My wife’s tilapia. Where has this fish been all my life?