What do you do for a living?
I am a musician and an artist.
What would you be doing if you weren’t doing that?
Probably seven to 10, give or take a couple years for good behavior… No, just joking. Actually I would maybe, I don’t know, work at a hospital or something?
What do you do in your free time?
I work and ride my motorcycle down back roads looking for rare wildflowers.
What brought you to Santa Cruz?
I had friends here and once I lived here for a while I fell in love, and what I like most is its close proximity to mountains, desert, redwood forest and ocean.
What’s your favorite street?
Linden Street, when that vacant lot with the apple trees is in bloom with narcissus and daffodils.
Name something you’re excited about.
Everything! That’s my problem. Why did you have to bring that up?
Name a pet peeve.
I don’t like to spread negativity, but you know those people…you know the type … the ones that destroy their own planet with pollution, then develop their space program to go find another planet to destroy and never slow down to do just one thing right! Those people sort of bug me.
What are you reading?
You do know I’m from Louisiana? Well, right now I’m reading a book of ready-made postcards called Grandma’s Dead: Breaking Bad News With Small Animals. It’s really funny but sad at times too.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in the last three years?
Well, four years ago I learned how to time travel to different dimensions, but I guess the most important thing I’ve learned in the past three years relates to our financial crisis, and that is “matter cannot be created nor ignored.”
Recent personal food trend?
Being from New Orleans and a chef, that’s a hard one to answer. Probably be best to put a GPS device on my cutting board and track where it goes!!