
Eric Thiermann, founder of Impact - a media agency that shoots HD content throughout the world.

Eric Thiermann, founder of Impact - a media agency that shoots HD content throughout the world.

What do you do for a living?
I’m the founder of a media agency, IMPACT, and I direct and/or shoot HD content throughout the world for documentaries and business product campaigns.

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing that?

Writing and directing feature films. That’ll be next year.

What do you do in your free time?

Hike with my partner, hang with my kids, help move things along for friends.

What brought you to Santa Cruz?
The first time it was the University as a student when it opened in 1965. When I returned again it was for the family style community in which to raise kids. Now, after seeing a lot of the world, I realize I’ve been living in paradise all these years.

What’s your favorite street?
Easy Street.

Name something you’re excited about.
How networking and the technological communication revolution will improve life on earth, bring people closer together, and promote understanding.

Name a pet peeve.
Whoever dreamed up nylon ID tags in shirts along with whatever companies using them. They should be forced to wear nylon thread hair shirts and sent straight to hell.

What are you reading?
Kevin Kelly. Check out his blog.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in the last three years?

That there’s more to be gained by being helpful than anything money can buy.

Recent personal food trend?
More beer and veggies, less meat.

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