For some people, Friday night is a chance to get out and party. For many students at UCSC, particularly in the departments of Science and Engineering, it used to be a chance to get some work done at the library.
For some people, Friday night is a chance to get out and party. For many students at UCSC, particularly in the departments of Science and Engineering, it used to be a chance to get some work done at the library. Then came the budget cuts, and the library drastically reduced its hours, and closed its doors on Friday night and Saturday. This time, however, the students struck back with a sit-in in the library on Friday night. “We realize that this one action will not force the university administration to change its disastrous course,” said the students in an official statement. “Nevertheless, our action will allow the library to remain open for students Friday night and Saturday. The UCSC administration lacks the capacity to provide a quality education and so we have begun, as students, to take our education into our own hands.”
In a response to the protesters, a university spokesman said that the protesters are draining resources from “already depleted library funding,” because the library must be staffed as long as the protesters are there. More at Inside Higher Ed.