
CNN reports that $1 billion of federal stimulus money will be used to support law enforcement agencies across the country. Some of that money will be used in Santa Cruz County, to keep local cops on the beat.

CNN reports tthat $1 billion of federal stimulus money will be used to support law enforcement agencies across the country. Some of that money will be used in Santa Cruz County, to keep local cops on the beat. Santa Cruz City will receive $1.97 million for five officers, Watsonville will get $1.08 million for three, and Capitola will get $291,000 for one. Scotts Valley’s request for stimulus funding from the COPS Hiring Recovery Program was rejected.

Though Santa Cruz is the only local city to receive the entire sum that it requested, Mayor Cynthia Mathews and Police Chief Howard Skerry say that it is still not enough. “We’re still facing severe budget issues,” said Mathews. Skerry added, “This is going to allow me to avoid laying off five police officers. That doesn’t reinstate a sergeant position or a lieutenant position or a records tech. Our lobby’s still closed and we’re still suffering.” Read more at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

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