
Just days after the SPCA suffered a break-in and the theft of hundreds of pounds of dog food, the agency announced that it has purchased a new, half-acre lot down the block from its current home where it hopes to build a new facility. Home is the right word. The current building is a converted two-bedroom house that now houses both animals and offices. The new home will be a 5,000-square-foot facility built with the welfare of the animals and its role as an office in mind.

Just days after the SPCA suffered a break-in and the theft of hundreds of pounds of dog food, the agency announced that it has purchased a new, half-acre lot down the block from its current home where it hopes to build a new facility. Home is the right word. The current building is a converted two-bedroom house that now houses both animals and offices. The new home will be a 5,000-square-foot facility built with the welfare of the animals and its role as an office in mind.

The new building may not go up right away. The problem, as always, is funding, so the group is seeking out corporate sponsorship and individual donors to help it fulfill its mission. Donations can be sent to P.O. Box 3800, Santa Cruz, CA 95036. Read more at Fox 35.

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