
The City of Santa Cruz has reached an agreement with California’s Department of Fish and Game to pay $25,000 for blocking up Majors Creek.

The City of Santa Cruz has reached an agreement with California’s Department of Fish and Game to pay $25,000 for blocking up Majors Creek, an important source of drinking water for the city. Santa Cruz draws 750,000 gallons of water from the creek every day.

The problem emerged in 2006, when the city attempted to wash sediment out of the creek near its pumping station. Normally, heavy rain helps wash the sediment away, but that did not happen in 2006, and the sediment remained. In addition to the $25,000 fine, the city agreed that in the future it will consult with the Department of Fish and Game before attempting to flush out the sediment to ensure that it is cleared. Read more at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

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