At its meeting yesterday the board of the Pajaro Valley Unified School District debated a series of drastic cuts to overcome its $5.5 million deficit.
At its meeting yesterday the board of the Pajaro Valley Unified School District debated a series of drastic cuts to overcome its $5.5 million deficit. Inevitably, jobs will be the first casualty, with everyone from teachers to school custodians coming under scrutiny. A proposal to increase the teacher student ratio from 1:20 to 1:30 could save the district $820,000, but it would also mean that 21 teaching positions would be lost. The Board has until Feb. 17 to inform staff of layoffs, even though the budget is not due until March 15.
Other proposals being touted are salary rollbacks for remaining staff, additional furloughs and a reduction of healthcare benefits for employees. School officials are anxious to point out that they already cut $14 million last year, and $48 million over the past seven years, so there is not much room left for further cuts. Read more at KSBW.