Our incredibly specialized staff recommends items like the hanging terrarium from DIG Gardens.
These days, experts are everywhere. There are people to tell you what stocks to invest in, what city to move to and what not to eat.
Oh course, none of those things are nearly as important as how to get this season’s holiday shopping done. And who do most so-called “media outlets” leave that to? “Staff picks” from Mr. and Mrs. Gifty-Come-Lately, that’s who. They’ve got music editors telling you what kind of toy robots to buy, and toy robots telling you what kind of music to buy!
OK, that last thing may not be true. But here’s the point: they’re all English majors, people! Six dollars and their gift advice will get you a cup of coffee—yes, the most delicious coffee you’ve ever tasted, but still!
So here at Santa Cruz Weekly, we’ve one-upped them all (probably more like a billion-upped them all, but we don’t really know, ’cause we’re all English majors). For the staff picks in this year’s gift guide, we’ve gone to unprecedented lengths by hiring a new breed of super expert, the kind of people so specialized in their fields that their gift ideas come with an incredible guarantee: 60 percent of the time, they work all the time.
So let’s meet the staff, and check out their incredible insider picks for local gifts this holiday season.
Ms. Green Jeans
Photosynthesis Editor
Succulent Wreaths
Norrie’s Gift Shop. UCSC Arboretum. 1156 High St, UCSC, Santa Cruz $55
The annual Wreath Sale will be part of the cozy Holiday Open House at the award-winning Norrie’s Gift Shop on November 23 and 24, and wreaths will also be available throughout the season. This year, most are made with enduring succulents. At Norrie’s, there’s no need to overthink gifts for plant lovers. A terrific profusion of appealing items for holiday decorating or year-round beautification support this nonprofit: planters, vases, seeds, books (some rare), ornaments, garden decor, home decor and even jewelry. A stroll around the lovely grounds is an education in native plants, labeled for your enjoyment.
Fresh, Long-Lasting Poinsettias
The Garden Company. 2218 Mission St, Santa Cruz. 2-4-6-8-inch poinsettia $3.99 to $25
The poinsettias come in four sizes and several colors, and might cost a tad more than the cheapest ones around. But they also come directly from the grower in top shape, aren’t boxed or stored in artificial light, and are cared for by specialists who will also take the time to give you care instructions. Every inch of the Garden Company Gift Shop is packed with truly fine items for holiday, garden and home, including dishes and glassware, candles, specialty teas, ornaments and so much more for the quality hound on your list. Living Christmas trees start at one gallon for $12.99 and can be transplanted to grow larger over quite a few holiday seasons; seven-to-eight-foot trees cost up to $149.
Indoor Fountain
Pottery Planet. 2600 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz. From $29 for a spout with pump From $10 for a bowl
All that’s needed to use this striking fountain that provides instant serenity and soothing sound to a room is an electrical outlet. A bamboo spout and pump come in many sizes, from tiny to very large. Use any bowl or vase to create a water feature, or select from hundreds of ceramic bowls in a variety of gorgeous glazes, approximately 10 inches to three feet in diameter. Pottery Planet’s scope of options is breathtaking, and you’ll find affordable items like decorative natural rocks and colored glass rocks to dress up a potted plant or add magic to any garden.
Kissandra McPaws Cats Editor
Pyrhulla Bird Pillow
Natural Selection Furniture.
607 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz $99
Got a kitty who needs a lil’ nudge to feel more comfortable snuggling with Mama? I get it, I’m handsy with my kitties too. (They’re just too darn cute to resist!) Throw one of these down-filled thrones on your lap, and your baby will be a full-time lap kitty in no time. Bonus: For our indoors-only sweethearts, the embroidered image of a bird creates the illusion of hunting!
Catnip Seeds
Staff of Life. 1266 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz $1.99
We all need a treat sometimes. For example, I like to indulge in more and more cats whenever my father does anything to indicate that he doesn’t love me which, let’s be honest, is practically every day. (Especially during holiday time, which he spends with his secret family in Tampa.) Anyhoo, treat your babies to a little loosen-up grass, by growing heirloom catnip by Botanical Interests! Woo hoo!
Bookshop Santa Cruz. 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz $29.95
Allergic to cat dander? Get the next best thing: Kittenhood: Life-Size Portraits of Kittens in Their First 12 Weeks, a coffee table book chock-full of pictures of kittens! I personally have six copies—one graces my coffee table, and I used the others to make the purr-fect wallpaper!
Name Withheld By Request
Survivalist Compound Editor
Sugarhill Boutique Hey Presto Dress
Wallflower. 103 Locust St, Santa Cruz $84.00
I’m worried about the direction this country is taking, or if there will even be an “America” left in five years. This whole economy is about to come tumbling down, and there’s nothing any of us can do about it, except be prepared for the inevitable. While you’re buying a year’s supply of pinto beans, you might also want to pick up the Sugarhill Boutique “Hey Presto” dress at Wallflower, which is just lovely. It has little rabbits in hats all over it. How adorable is that?
Marvelous Pinks Handmade Floral Arrangement
Ferrari Florist. 345 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz $94.95
Really, the best gift anyone can give is gold, because once the economy collapses, how will you buy bread and water to keep your family alive? All your paper “money” will be worthless. Gold, on the other hand, will be valuable. Just make sure you don’t tell anyone you have it, otherwise you will get robbed. A second-best gift would be one of Ferrari Florist’s delightful handmade floral arrangements. My personal favorite is the Marvelous Pinks arrangement.
Healing Wands, 4” Stone
Gaia Earth Treasures. 212 Capitola Ave, Capitola $18-$45
As any small businessman will tell you, Obamacare has literally put hundreds of thousands of companies out of business, even before it passed. Now that it’s becoming law, it’s only a matter of time til we revert to complete anarchy, and then where will anyone get medical care? Might I suggest one of Gaia Treasure’s healing wands? It makes for a nice decoration now, and maybe a functional healing tool after the economy collapses. They are cute either way.
Sockshop & Shoe Company. 1515 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz Prices vary
People think I’m crazy all the time. But what’s so insane about being prepared? When the end of civilization comes and I’m sitting safe in my bunker with 10 year’s supply of food, a stockpile of guns, enough gold to buy a small village and three case of matches, we’ll see who the rational one really is. Well, okay, maybe I’m a little crazy—CRAZY FOR SOCKS! Which I am also stockpiling. And not just any socks, but cool, creative and fun designs, the kind you can only get at the Sockshop & Shoe Company. They have so many fantastic patterns, you could shop for every person on your list and never overlap designs!
Blake Pedalson
Cycling Editor
Lumina 220
Bicycle Trip. 1001 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz $69
Each year, bicycle lights are a big hit before Christmas at Bicycle Trip, and each year they get cheaper and brighter, as bikes become faster and lighter. This year’s Lumina 220 packs over 200 lumens—more than enough to keep riders safe on most roads—into a light for less than 80 bucks. The higher end version, the Lumina 700, has more than three times that for $140. “That would be enough to light a whole mountain road,” says Nathan Smith, clothing manager for Bicycle Trip.
Giro Winter Cap
Spokeman’s. 231 Cathcart St, Santa Cruz $33
There are several racks of clothing at Spokeman’s, but it was the ones that come from within cycling distance that really spoke to me. Giro, which began in Santa Cruz and is based in Scotts Valley, has a new line of wool clothes—many of them sewn in California—that stretch in value from $33 to $130, feel comfortable and don’t get sweaty or stinky. “It’s all about working everyday fashion style into everyday riding gear,” says Gene Selkov of Spokeman’s. The new winter cap will keep you feeling warm and looking fly, but smear some bicycle grease on top for extra color.
Ann-Marie Harridaughter
Feminist Studies Editor
MoonZoom. 813 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz $10-20
That’s right, pants. Preferably velour, maybe some plaid—but, buy yourself and all your female friends a pair, ladies. Because it’s the 21st century, and it’s about time that you start wearing the pants in this relationship. Any relationship. Forget the itty-bitty strips of clothing that some would call a skirt, and the “shorts” that most people wear as underwear. You can vote; you can be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Leave the weird tongue-wagging and fishnet-unitards-wearing to Miley. This Christmas, make Susan B. Anthony and Judith Butler proud.
BlueWater Female Force Comics: Michelle Obama
Atlantis Fantasyworld. 1020 Cedar St, Santa Cruz $3.99
Dear Mothers, do you ever find yourself crying silently when walking down the aisle marked “Girls Dolls,” recoiling in horror at those teensy waists, those enormous glassy eyes staring back at you? Do you find a part of you dies at any mention of former Disney Channel child stars? Are these the role models that you fear your daughters will one day strive to emulate? BlueWater comics has an alternative to the pink princesses: Michelle Obama and Caroline Kennedy. Wouldn’t you rather have your kidlets read about how badass Gloria Steinem and Tina Fey are in an entertaining, action-packed comic bundle? With over 20 heroic females to choose from, you can now give those future female presidents of yours the heroes they need.
Olive Gourmand
Food Trends Editor
Cocktail Classes
Center Street Bar & Grill. 1001 Center St, Santa Cruz $60 per person
I have a theory that the only reason we continue to pay upwards of $10 for fancy schmancy cocktails is because it takes mad skillz to be able to concoct one of those bad boys—and if you’re like me, you take your liquor with a side of lazy. But no more! Center Street Bar & Grill offers cocktail-making classes on Thursday evenings with bartender Mark Thompson. Each guest learns to make three unique cocktails to accompany their appetizer, entrée and dessert as they shake, mix and taste their way to knowledge. As they say, when you teach a man to mix Manhattans…
La Chambra Clay Cookware
Chefworks. 1527 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz $39.95 – $199.00
My love of food extends beyond a love for cooking and stuffing my face to the vessels and accessories that make it possible. Solid, aesthetically pleasing cookware and accessories are the truffle oil to my potato gratin, the crema fresca to my tortilla soup. This year I’m drooling over the La Chambra cookware at Chefworks. The sleek, handcrafted black clay roasters and soup pots are strikingly beautiful and sturdy enough to stand up to regular use. And after your slowly caramelized roast or fragrant stew has filled your home with the luscious scent of dinner, the vessel doubles as an attractive serving centerpiece, which means fewer dishes—bonus points!
Menu Winebreather Carafe
Cameron Marks. 402 Ingalls, #15, Santa Cruz $55
This award-winning decanter will titillate the dedicated vino enthusiast in your life. Made by Scandinavian designer Menu, the Winebreather Carafe adds 10 times more oxygen to your bottle of wine in less than two minutes. Aeration allows undesirable compounds to evaporate faster while leaving the yummy, aromatic and flavorful ones, maximizing the impact of every sip. You can serve directly from the elegant glass decanter, or, if you’re old school, you can pour the now-aerated wine BACK INTO THE ORIGINAL BOTTLE. Mind blown. What can’t those Dutch do?
Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels
Boulder Creek Candy. Most local supermarkets (see all locations at bouldercreekcandy.com). $11 for a box of 6 (prices may vary)
When in doubt, give the gift of chocolate, especially if it’s locally crafted by loving hands. I was floored when someone passed on a box of Boulder Creek Candy’s chocolate-covered caramels. Each handmade piece of chewy, buttery caramel was cloaked in creamy chocolate and sprinkled with flakes of sea salt. After I picked myself up from my candy coma, I ate the other five pieces in the box. No, I didn’t share.
Georgette Perry
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Editor
Well Within Bath Salts
Well Within Spa. 417 Cedar St, Santa Cruz
Soaking in a hot bath is one of the best ways to calm yourself down after a stressful day in a fast-paced work environment, or just any day when you have to interact with other humans (ughhh). Well Within offers different combinations of essential oils and salts, including my favorite—unscented, so you don’t draw any unnecessary attention to yourself.
Hanging Terrarium
DIG Gardens. 420 Water St, Santa Cruz $26.99 – $32.99
DIG Gardens is a craft lover’s paradise, featuring a number of exciting and eye-catching items like do-it-yourself succulent gardens. But let’s be honest, when it comes to giving a gift to a person with anxiety, we all know a project like that would go unfinished. A lovely hanging terrarium is a much more suitable gift for someone in this condition, as it features air plants that require literally nothing, aside from a spritz of water once a month.
Bucci Sunglasses
BucciSunglasses.com $49-$170
Fact: When people can’t see your eyes, they can’t see your fear. At least, that’s what I learned from the two full weeks I recently spent watching the complete Entourage series under my covers, instead of facing my responsibilities.
Drake Palace Sinclair
Editing Editor
Safari Fountain Pen
Palace Art & Office Supply. 1407 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz $29.99
Rewriting was never so much fun. Wait, scratch that—rewriting was seldom so much fun. I love editing my best friend’s research papers, Patch.com and the Fearless Flyer from Trader Joe’s ever since I got a Safari fountain pen, which effortlessly glides along the page smoother than an Ernest Hemingway novel—or shall I say, a Mark Twain novel? “They’re so fun, and you can change the nibs,” says Valarie Jones, operations manager at Palace, where the pen is 40 percent off through Jan. 1.
Margeaux de Couture
Local Fashionista Editor
Kristen Nivala Jewelry
Wallflower Boutique. 103 Locust St, Santa Cruz
$38 to $50
Give a unique fashion gift that can’t be found in a department store: the work of a local designer or artist. Each piece of Kristen Nivala’s handcrafted necklaces and earrings is inspired by and made from found objects — natural beads, gems, stones and vintage pieces. These one-of-a-kind designs are anything but old-fashioned. Shop owner Terra Lynn appreciates textures, patterns and well-constructed items, and carries at least a few items from approximately 20 local designers. Reasonably priced scarves, handbags, jewelry, art and clothing will delight the fashionable lady in your life.
Fashion Reading Glasses
Pretty Mama. 501 41st Ave, Capitola $9.99 to $19.99
This discount women’s wear shop has the best prices I’ve found on stylish reading glasses. Some sport fun colors, interesting patterns, shapes or other decorative touches, like solid rhinestones. Most are snazzy, but not flamboyant, and while every woman appreciates fashion of above-average design, most gift givers appreciate a below-average price.
High-Comfort Office Wear
Synergy Organic Clothing. 1229 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Moto Jacket $97; Bamboo Mermaid Skirt $86.
Yoga wear has leaped off the mat to influence fashion and its fullest expression locally can be found at Synergy Organic Clothing, where clean-lined, elegant dresses, skirts, jackets and leggings can take women comfortably anywhere, even to the office. Whether your own fashionista must show up at work looking sophisticated or can get away with Synergy’s more stylized Santa Cruz looks, she’ll never have to sacrifice comfort on the job again.
Blithe and Bonny Cedar-Sage Body Products
Water at Morrissey. 1315 Water St, Santa Cruz $9 to $17, most items
Everyone within olfactory range of your gift recipient will get to partake in an aroma high from the substantial bars of soap, rich lotion, and room-and-linen spray infused with essential and fragrance oils in these locally handmade products. I’m smitten with the cedar-sage, but you might prefer one of eight other scents in this line of small everyday luxuries with cool labels printed on the pages of books (founded by a longtime Santa Cruz family) and now available at their first retail store.
Jacko Flagstaff
Mountain Editor
Ephrem’s Bottle Cutter Kit
Mountain Feed and Farm Supply. 550 Hwy 9,
Ben Lomond $39.99
Mountain Feed has some downright old-timey do-it-yourselves kits this year for someone who’s so doggone independent they don’t never want no one doing nothing for them or making none of their fancy knickknacks. I, for one, have warmed up to the bottle cutter kit, which helps people turn their bottles into cups or candleholders when they run out of cups and candleholders they picked up at the Ben Lomond Market last summer. Other popular kits let folks make their own vinegar, kefir and pickles.
Maria Wagsworth
Must Love Dogs Editor
Doggie Water Bowl
Petroglyph Ceramic Lounge. 125 Walnut Ave,
Santa Cruz Prices vary
Nothing says “I love you, Fido” more than a hand-painted water bowl for your most loyal canine companion. Every time that four-legged mate bends her head down to indulge in some refreshing hydration, she’ll think of you and she’ll see the long hours of planning, designing and painting that went in to this perfect Christmas gift. What better way to repay your pup for all those years of chewed-to-perfection flip-flops, of long walks on the beach and drool-soaked kisses? Show your dog you care. And if your dog hates it, heck, you can use it for fruit or something.
Cow’s Trachea
Puppy Breath Boutique. 1537 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz $5
When you think of a perfect gift for your favorite pooch, a cow’s trachea might not be the most attractive visual. But although they’re not topped with sprinkles and icing, these dehydrated bits of goodness are packed full of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine for those achy doggie joints—and they’re delicious too! Judging by the happy yip-yapping of the dogs eating them, not personal taste-testing, of course… Anyway, Puppy Breath’s most popular product, tracheal cartilage has even shown to help isolate cancers, tumors and other diseases common to canines. Help your best friend avoid a hip-replacement and achy knees with some chewtastic goodies. Live happy, live healthy; eat trachea.
Dog Collars
Pet Pals. 3660 Soquel Dr, Soquel $4-$70, most around $10
Deck the dog with lots of collars! It’s hard to say if an expressive dog collar is more for the animal or the owner, but either way this ginormous selection will let the world know whether your pet is a stylish dog, a hippie dog, a cowboy dog, a biker dog, a practical dog, a frou-frou dog or simply a dog of many moods. Pet Pals seems like a mega-national store, but it’s actually locally and independently owned, with old-fashioned service and many interesting, specialty products in an environment that could only be created by someone who adores animals and the people who care for them.
Jamet Napolijamo
Jam Editor
Jeannie’s Artisan Jams $5.50-$8.50
Folks, I’ve gotta be honest with ya, I love a good jam. What’s more, I love a blended jam. I mean, why have just one flavor of jam when you can have more than just one flavor of jam? Jeannie Munson, the Master Jam Artisan™ behind Jeannie’s Artisan Jams, does not disappoint. With over 60 flavors, she’s got it all: She’s got your Apricot Pineapple. She’s got your Plum Armaretto. She’s even got a very special collection of Pepper Jellies that I am dying to get my sticky lil’ fingers on. Mmmm. Taste the Rainbow!™
Carne Amore
The Love Doctor
Adults Only Travel Book
Frenchy’s Adult Books & Video. 3960 Portola Dr, Santa Cruz $21.95
Hey there, ladies and gentlemen, the Love Doctor is in, and ready to help heal all your love wounds. Vacations should be a time of wild passionate lovemaking. Take it from me, the Love Doctor, if you ain’t getting any on your next outing, you might as well stay home and get some gardening done. Frenchy’s offers an Adults Only Travel Guide that lists all the kinkiest places to visit: special romantic getaways, clothing-optional destinations and other erotic locales. The Love Doctor says: If you don’t come home tired, then you ain’t doing it right!
Fifty Shades of Grey Party Game
Pure Pleasure. 204 Church St, Santa Cruz $36.95
I don’t know what kinds of parties you like to throw, but over at my house, we like to keep things sexy. The best part about a sexy party game is that everyone laughs and makes jokes, but deep down underneath the surface, the party is really going on. I am the Love Doctor. I know how wild a sexy party can get late into the evening. My personal favorite is the Fifty Shades of Grey Party Game. There are a lot of sexy questions. Listen as your friends reveal their deepest, darkest desires. It’ll be a party you won’t soon forget. Oh, man! I’m the Love Doctor!
Jack Post
Sports Editor
Osprey Volt 60
Down Works. 222 River St, Santa Cruz $179
Nick Gravem, co-owner of Down Works, has an extremely special relationship with his store building and the stuff in it. At less than four pounds, the Osprey Volt 60 backpack can easily hold 60 liters and 50 pounds. Gravem, 65, was actually friends with the Osprey guys when they were all students together at UC Santa Cruz, and later when the young company started on River Street in Santa Cruz. When Osprey left in the 1980s, Gravem and his wife Shellie took over the building—where the two of them now also sell camping gear, including their own line of down sleeping bags.
Sports of Santa Cruz County
Jerry’s Sports. 1148 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz $21
When athletic-minded parents get ready for the holidays, basketballs, soccer balls and baseball bats are always big hits at Jerry’s Sports, which offers free batting practice in early December to distract kids while parents shop. But this year, the store also has a hot item for the sports fans afraid of re-aggravating the knees they hyper-extended three Christmases ago on a rainy football field. Geoffrey Dunn’s new book Sports of Santa Cruz County chronicles the more hardcore years of athletics, recalling the good old days when the only performance-enhancing drug was a 24-ounce steak.
Sync Calorie Activity Tracker
Outdoor World. 136 River St, Santa Cruz $34
The best way to improve is always with a little bit of positive reinforcement, and losing weight is no different. With this pedometer and calorie tracker, which plugs into your smartphone, you can keep extremely informed about how many calories you’ve burned, how many steps you’ve taken and how far you’ve walked. This way you can burn off even more calories by giving yourself a pat on the back.
Santa Cruz Warriors Foam Finger
Kaiser Permanente Arena. 140 Front St, Santa Cruz $8
The Santa Cruz Warriors basketball season is almost underway. And the organization gave 120 percent this year to come up with a huge roster of memorabilia that includes t-shirts, sweatshirts, track jackets, basketballs, little basketballs, gym shorts and baby clothes. (Now if we could only get a bobble-head of General Manager Kirk Lacob.) Also, Hotel Paradox will give you a hand (get it?) whenever you book one of their Warriors Package Stays.
Rebecca Rosenblog
Chanukah Chocolate Editor
Guilt-Free Gelt
Temple Beth El Gift Shop. 3055 Porter Gulch Rd, Aptos $3.39
This year, you’ll get an extra hit of holiday feel-goodness when you buy fair trade Kosher gelt (chocolate coins) from Ghana for the Jewish children on your gift list. A package of 12 coins costs $3.39, while a regular, guilty package of four coins costs 90¢ (as the gift shop salesperson explained, the fair trade pack contains about triple the weight for triple the price). Other fair trade items stocked include beautiful Chanukah ornaments, cards and beaded bracelets. Temple Beth El features a nice selection of menorahs, too.
Lionel Listless
Sleepytime Editor
Tempur-Pedic Neck Pillow
Senate Furniture and Mattress. 3651 Soquel Dr, Soquel $99
Sometimes when I’m watching the news in bed, I come across a story about space exploration, and take a moment to think about how thankful I am for the comfy space innovations that lead to Tempur-Pedic technology. Ah, the way they gently…gently…oh, sorry, dozed off there. What was I saying? Oh yes, they gently conform to every crevice in my little neck. A mere 13 hours later, I’m wide awake, rested and ready to start my day.
Señora Agave y Vino
Mo' Betta Liqua Editta
Corralejo Triple Distilled Tequila
Ernie's Liquors. Reposado, $26.99, Añejo $36.99
Never mind the world-class awards triple-distilled Corralejo tequila has won—in a recent informal tasting with friends of top tequilas, the Corralejo reposado and añejo did very well and cost less than others that were equivalent in quality. The reposado is aged in three kinds of wood for four months, and the añejo is aged for 12 months in new American oak, but this tequila isn't over-oaked, so the flavor of the agave comes through in a smooth, complex flavor experience. Ernie's carries at least 50 brands of tequila at discounted prices, and also has about 35 different microbrew four-packs at the lowest prices around ($7.95 to $12.99). The friendly owner, Boota, knows a lot of his customers and will order requested products he doesn't have in stock when possible.
Fine Local Wines
Vinocruz. 725 Front St, Santa Cruz. Prices vary
At some point during a marathon of shopping, dinner planning or in-law-avoiding, a familiar holiday feeling will creep into your heart: “I could really use a glass of wine.” Visit Vinocruz in downtown Santa Cruz, and you won’t even need to feel guilty for taking a break from your to-do list. Sample their weekly tasting flight while the knowledgeable staff helps guide you on which bottles make great gifts, and which they would pair with Christmas dinner. You’ll be supporting our fantastic local vintners in the process.
DJ Fisher Price
Audio Precision Editor
Technics SL-D2 Turntable
Metavinyl. 320 Cedar St, Santa Cruz $135
As this publication’s resident audio expert, the moment I walked into Metavinyl and saw the racks of stereo equipment on the wall, I fell to my knees and screamed, “HAVE MERCY, NEW ROBOT OVERLORDS! I AM YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT!” Amazingly, I was greeted not by sapphire lasers of pure mechanical malevolence, but by a friendly Metavinyl clerk, who explained that these strange machines don’t actually want to enslave humanity. Rather, they can be used to play circular wax discs. When I expressed surprise that audio can be not just spoken, but actually recorded, she asked me how I got this job, and I replied that this paper’s editor is actually a semi-trained bear. We shared a laugh. Over the course of a whirlwind romance that took us to Texas, Arkansas and Texarkana, she explained to me the fascinating history of sound recording. I now understand why vinyl sounds warmer than compressed digital files, and why Paul Speraw, the owner of Metavinyl, spends much of his time carefully restoring vintage audio equipment for resale. Right now, he has the SL-D2, as well as a AKAI GX-646 four-track ($600), a Vector Research AM/FM receiver ($95), JBL Pro III speakers ($90) and a much newer Numark turntable with USB capability ($85). He also, of course, has tons of records, including a dollar bin. Now I really like turntables, but I’m still glad they only have one arm, in case they change their mind about that enslaving humanity thing.