
Santa Cruz Police Lt. Rick Martinez tells the council he's tired of babysitting drunks. Photo by Curtis Cartier

Santa Cruz Police Lt. Rick Martinez tells the council he's tired of babysitting drunks. Photo by Curtis Cartier

In an attempt to curb alcohol- and drug-related crime in the city, Santa Cruz City Council passed a number of new ordinances yesterday. Chief among these is a licensing fee hike for restaurants that operate as quasi-nightclubs afterhours. Nightclubs normally pay significantly higher liquor licensing fees than restaurants that serve alcohol, but the new ordinance would almost double the fees for restaurants that stay open after bars and clubs close at 2:00 am. Nine downtown restaurants have since began offering deejays and dancing afterhours, but were still paying the old licensing fees.

The city also approved a four-month moratorium on new medical marijuana dispensaries. During that time it will consider whether to allow a third dispensary to open.
Read More at The Mercury News.

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