
Santa Cruz County Superintendent of Schools Mike Watkins

Santa Cruz County Superintendent of Schools Mike Watkins

County School District Superintendent Michael Watkins hopes to spend another four years in office, improving local students’ access to technology. He may be facing a challenge, however, from former Santa Cruz City Schools Superintendent Alan Pagano. Though he has not officially entered the race, Pagano says that there are steps he wants the county to take to make education more efficient and cost-effective. Among them is the reconfiguration of the county’s 10 school districts.

Many parents and local leaders oppose Pagano’s proposal, hoping to maintain local control over education. Watkins also contends that such a move would be costly, and would require the county to first resolve the problem of disparate salaries across districts.

If he runs, Pagano is likely to win the support of the Hispanic community, which makes up just over half of the county’s student population. On the other hand, in his previous tenure, he came into conflict with the powerful teachers union. Watkins, however, could be challenged for his decision to move the county’s education offices to a new building, which cost $10 million to purchase and renovate. The county is still paying rent on its previous building, whose lease only expires in August. Read more at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

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