Increased law enforcement on Pacific Avenue has led to rising crime in Harvey West, according to residents, businessowners and Santa Cruz police. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports that many residents have complained of more illegal activity in the area, citing instances of drug deals, prostitution and public defecation. Since there are few parking limits in the area, Harvey West is also prime RV camping real estate. Santa Cruz Police Chief Steve Clark told the Sentinel that statistics show a crackdown in one part of town leads to heightened crime in other areas, in what he terms a cyclical pattern.
Increased law enforcement on Pacific Avenue has led to rising crime in Harvey West, according to residents, businessowners and Santa Cruz police. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports that many residents have complained of more illegal activity in the area, citing instances of drug deals, prostitution and public defecation. Since there are few parking limits in the area, Harvey West is also prime RV camping real estate. Santa Cruz Police Chief Steve Clark told the Sentinel that statistics show a crackdown in one part of town leads to heightened crime in other areas, in what he terms a “cyclical pattern.”
In addition to the traditional summer influx of the young and the homeless, Homeless Services Center Director Doug Loisel also blames the economy. Loisel told the Sentinel the economy has forced more people to take to the streets.