Police Roust Occupy Santa Cruz Camp

Police cleared out the Occupy camp in San Lorenzo Park this morning. (Chip Scheuer)

The Occupy encampment in San Lorenzo Park had obviously thinned out by 5pm on Wednesday, the stated deadline for the eviction notice that police issued on Monday. A couple dozen onlookers stood around the periphery of the camp, some linking arms in solidarity, some shaking their heads in dismay. A few policemen strolled around them—a stark contrast to the scene around 7am this morning, when about 90 police officers in riot gear cleared out the approximately 20 tents and people who had stayed the night.

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Letters to the Editor, Dec. 7-14 2011

Who’s This ‘We’?
THIS is a personal opinion about the opinionated: There seems to be a growing number of folks who claim to speak for the “majority,” from those voicing opinions in the Weekly to the so-called 99 percent protesters.  Please, without a democratic vote of the 100 percent, none of you has a legitimate right to include me in your rant as part of the majority you claim to be speaking for.


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