Our writers weigh in on the best of community life in Santa Cruz County.
2012 Goldies — Shopping & Services
Selected nuggets of shopping-related wisdom from SCW writers.
2012 Goldies — Health & Recreation
A few insights from our opinionated scribes on matters of health, fitness and recreation.
The Hazards and Joys of Cannabis Cooking
If you ask someone if they like edibles, you’ll probably get a story that ends with a car in a ditch or throwing up on a bus. Listening to these tales, you’d think stoners categorically can’t cook, that they throw weed into cookies the way they throw in chocolate chips and figure the more the better.
2012 Goldies — Food & Drink
Our writers weigh in on the best food and drink in Santa Cruz County.
Surfer Looks to Expand Unique Rehab Efforts
Darryl “Flea” Virostko needs a house, preferably near the waves, hopefully with sports equipment. Not for himself, but for the greater good. The big wave surf legend behind FleaHab, a support program for recovering addicts, says he’s reached the point where he realizes he could help more people if FleaHab had four walls, a roof and a few beds.
April Offers Rare Glimpse of Santa Cruz Sandhills
Few readers of Sunset Magazine know that the publication was started by Southern Pacific Railroad as a promotional gimmick to persuade East Coast residents to visit the West Coast. It flopped at first, but eventually Laurence Lane, a former Midwestern farmer, purchased the magazine with the idea of turning it into a West Coast version of Better Homes and Gardens, and Sunset was on its way.
Ten Questions for Siri
There’s only one way to find out what Apple’s ultra-popular iPhone ap does on ‘her’ free time: ask away.
Letters to the Editor, April 4-10
One reader gets smart with the concept of 3-D printing. Meanwhile a disc golf expert takes issue with a previous comment regarding the possibility of a new Soquel course.
Journalists Say They Were Targeted for Covering Occupy
After surveying the December damage to a vacant bank building owned by Wells Fargo that included graffiti, broken cameras and damaged ceiling tiles, investigators from Santa Cruz Police Department went to work. They came up with preliminary list of 12 suspects—out of more than 75 who passed through the building—involved in the three-day occupation of 75 River Street. Police handed their list over to county District Attorney Bob Lee’s office, and Lee’s office served 11 warrants to suspects.