Former India Joze pastry chef and California Culinary Academy graduate Tabitha Stroup of Friend in Cheeses Jam Co. took a minute to talk about how a childhood favorite became cool again.
Letters to the Editor: Nov 28-Dec 5
A student offers a firsthand perspective on the difference between bullying and teasing. Another reader, meanwhile, talks medicare and healthcare reform.
Local Health Expert Publishes Cookbook
In Ayurveda, every human being is a unique composition of three vital bio-energies called doshas—Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The cookbook includes a chart to help you discern your dominant dosha, as well as a key above each recipe explaining how it balances, pacifies and decreases each dosha.
Pit Bulls’ Bad Rap Affects Adoption Rates
Due to high rates of reported human fatalities from pit bull bites in the last few decades, numerous cities and counties across the country have passed restrictions on the breed. Pit bulls’ bad rap has also caused an influx of the breed in shelters nationwide.
Warriors Stadium Keeps on Track
Anyone who caught the totally jacked-looking steel framework towering over Front Street—after a construction mishap at the site of the Santa Cruz Warriors arena a couple of weeks ago—might have wondered just how far back in a construction schedule something like that will set you.
McPherson Appears to Edge out Hammer in Tight Race
With a difference of just 26 votes separating them on election night, the vice-tight race between Eric Hammer and Bruce McPherson for Fifth District Supervisor is still ongoing, with election results still being counted. “We’re plugging away here every day and on track to certify by Dec. 4,” said County Clerk Gail Pellerin.
Local Anti-GMO Activists Regroup After Prop. 37 Defeat
After the defeat of Proposition 37, the “California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act,” on Nov. 6, proponents of GMO food labeling say they’re regrouping, fueled by a new wave of awareness about the issue that’s rippled across the state.
Dining With Local Stars at Gabriella
Just how was this going to work, I wondered? A flotilla of us were convening on the main dining room of Gabriella Cafe in hopes of hearing the loquacious über gardener Orin Martin orate on the topic of peppers, while his artist wife Stephanie demystified a few complex points of intaglio printing.
UCSC Muralist Protests Long Range Development Plan
O’Connell and a group of about a half dozen fellow UCSC students have been coming up to the woods since October to paint four water tanks based on her designs, which have to do with conserving the forest around campus and promoting sustainable growth, especially when it comes to water.
Letters to the Editor, Nov. 21-27
By sticking up for CeCe Pinheiro, screaming from the rooftops their love for Chris Rene, and crunching the numbers on national healthcare, readers let us know what’s up.