Our New Look

Welcome to the revamped News page of SantaCruz.com.  We think this redesign will make it easier for you to find articles, respond to what you read and keep in touch with what’s happening in Santa Cruz County.

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Santa Cruz Ponders Alternative Energy Tax District

Ross Clark, city of Santa Cruz climate change coordinator, is trying to keep the administrative cost of the district down.

Santa Cruz City Councilmember Mike Rotkin spent $63,000 to outfit his house with solar panels. Using the equity in his home and good credit, he easily qualified for a loan from Santa Cruz Community Credit Union and expects to have it paid off in seven years. Considering his savings in energy costs, Rotkin calls investing in solar energy “a no-brainer.” But not everyone has the kind of home equity and credit that qualified the politician and UCSC lecturer for a solar loan.

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Watsonville Prop. 8 Protest Small but Significant

While some 200 outraged protesters crowded around the Clock Tower in downtown Santa Cruz in reaction to Tuesday’s California Supreme Court ruling upholding the Prop. 8 constitutional ban on same-sex marriages, roughly 20 miles away in the Watsonville City Plaza, a small group of 20 people stood along Main Street yelling, “Honk!” at passing motorists and waving signs.

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