Residents of Monterey Vista Mobile Estates on Holm Road, Watsonville, are up in arms over a traffic circle designed to calm traffic on the road.
Residents of Monterey Vista Mobile Estates on Holm Road, Watsonville, are up in arms over a traffic circle designed to “calm traffic” on the road. The circle was intended as a green alternative to traffic lights, which consume electricity, and to stop signs, where idling cars release exhaust. But it is also located outside the Monterey Vista Mobile Estates, a mobile park, where many of the residents drive pickups and trailers. They argue that they would have to jump the curb just to make a left turn out of the park. Other opponents suggest that the circle would hinder ambulances that use Holm Road to access the freeway and local hospital.
City Engineer James Burr says that that calming circles tend to require some time until local residents adjust to them. Nevertheless, City Councilwoman Nancy Bilicich says, a new circle is planned for her constituency at Hushbeck and McKenzie, and given the public response on Holm Road, she’s eager to point out that “A stop sign is just as good.” Read More at the Santa Cruz Sentinel and KCBA.