
News Flash: Organic Strawberries Really Do Rock

Washington State University scientists have discovered what Santa Cruz hippies and foodies have known for a long time: organic strawberries taste better, pack more nutrition and last longer than conventionally grown berries.

The study, which compared strawberries from 13 organic and 13 conventional farms in California, found the organic berries had higher concentrations of Vitamin C and antioxidants, stayed mold-free for about a half a day longer and left the soil in better shape, with more nitrogen, enzyme activity and micronutrients.

Testers also found at least one variety of organic berries to be sweeter and with better flavor and appearance. They worked at times under a red light so as not to be biased by fruit color.

Chief scientist John Reganold said the study shows “you can have high quality, healthy produce without resorting to an arsenal of pesticides.” Read more at the Food Safety News and Washington State University.

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