Santa Cruz city schools are preparing to make the transition to a healthier diet.
Santa Cruz city schools are preparing to make the transition to a healthier diet. The Board of Education is about to hire a new nutrition and food manager, and the district is evaluating a contract with Revolution Foods of Oakland to supply schools with meals incorporating locally grown produce. Revolution Foods would serve as an interim measure until the new food manager can transition the schools from a dependence on processed foods to cooking fresh meals from scratch.
To make up for increased costs, schools plan on raising the price of lunch for elementary school students from $2.50 to $3.25, and for middle school students from $3.00 to $3.50. Breakfasts will be free. Despite the price hike, more students are expected to purchase school lunches because the food will be tastier. School Superintendent Gary Bloom added that if more students buy lunch, this could also mean more jobs for servers and preparers. Read more at the San Jose Mercury News.