
Meet the new neighbor cat.

Meet the new neighbor cat.

At least one mountain lion is on the prowl in the Carbonera and Branciforte Creek watersheds. Local residents report that a goat was killed on property belonging to George and Suzanne Purnell in mid-December, and a 200-lb. sheep belong to Christian and Vicky Culver just three days later. Fish and Game Lieutenant Don Kelly, who oversees the area, says that the attacks are surprising because of their proximity to areas inhabited by people, but that this could be attributed to changing weather. Under cold conditions, deer in the Santa Cruz Mountains tend to migrate to low-lying areas, bringing the mountain lions in their wake. Kelly is concerned that once the cats learn to attack domestic animals, it will be difficult to break them of this.

This is of particular concern to George Purnell, who is president of the Happy Valley Elementary School Board. He worries that the aggressive behavior shown by the lions could endanger local children. Wildlife authorities caution residents to be cautious, bring barnyard animals into their sheds, where they will be safe, and to avoid leaving pet food out, since this attracts both raccoons and their predators. Humans are told to carry a light with them at night and to make frequent noises when walking along trails. If threatened, they should hold their ground and make themselves appear bigger than usual. Running away only provokes the mountain lions to chase their prey. Read more at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

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