
On Tuesday, 30 protesters interrupted a City Council meeting, waving signs and demanding that the city do something to address public safety.

On Tuesday, 30 protesters interrupted a City Council meeting, waving signs and demanding that the city do something to address public safety. Though local officials assured them that City Council is working closely with the police to take all the necessary precautions, it wasn’t enough to stop a drug deal gone awry on lower Pacific Avenue Wednesday night. Two men in their twenties were shot, one in the leg and the other in the leg, groin, and hand, in a parking lot behind the Saturn Café. Police are still investigating the crime scene, but have described the shooters as light-skinned black men or dark-skinned Latino men in their early twenties. The incident occurred just blocks away from where a local teen, Tyler Tenorio, 16, was stabbed to death two weeks ago.
Read More at the Santa Cruz Sentinel

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