
Sure, the state’s budget is a mess, unemployment is skyrocketing, and Anthem Blue Shield is making its customers sick over its proposed price hike. That’s no excuse for dropping the f-bomb. Deficits be gosh-darned!

Sure, the state’s budget is a mess, unemployment is skyrocketing, and Anthem Blue Shield is making its customers sick over its proposed price hike. That’s no excuse for dropping the f-bomb. Deficits be gosh-darned!

Yesterday California’s legislators stopped Focusing Upon California’s Kleptocracy In Noble Grandeur And Stopped Shrieking Horrendously Over Legislative Excesses to enact What The Frustrated public wanted: a weeklong embargo on the seven deadly words. That’s words, mind you, not sins, so potty-mouthing off is now the problem, while usury and avarice get a free pass. According to Anthony Portantino (D-Pasadena), the civility that this will engender will help “break through that logjam” in the legislators’ agenda. Read more at the Mercury News.

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