How dangerous is Santa Cruz? Plus, other reflections on our profile of Take Back Santa Cruz’s Analicia Cube
Chance for Change
Re: “Pulling No Punches” (Cover, Sept. 25): Thank you for the insightful article about Take Back's Analicia Cube. The hardworking majority stands behind both her and the efforts of TBSC. We are comprised of all victims of theft and witnesses of the deterioration of common sense decisions made by leadership in Santa Cruz. As an avid cyclist, how is it possible that bike theft is so rampant? How about the prevalence of meth and heroin and needles given away at a ratio of 30 to 1? How about the catch-and-release mentality of the judges in our local judicial system? I participate in community cleanups and I find that after revisiting the same area six months later, it looks exactly the same way it did six months [before]. How come Santa Cruz ranks first in theft and larceny in the entire state of California for cities of similar size? I can go on and on. TBSC is a community group and is not the Council, County or SCPD, but it is starting this desperately needed conversation and hopefully change will result.
Jim Levy
Santa Cruz
DeNiro’s Waiting
Re: “Pulling No Punches”: Although I've never been technically “harassed” in Santa Cruz, I have been followed alongside the San Lorenzo levee and have been given the “Heil Hitler” sign as I walked on North Pacific.
Recently, during the day while walking over the internal San Lorenzo Park bridge, I heard beneath me, “Watch out, there’s a pig over there.” For those who don’t know, “pig” was a ’60s term for police. Anyway, these days there is a law enforcement/security guard presence in the park, and thank god. For the park at times seems like the final resting place of all the extras from the Mad Max/Road Warrior movies. It’s not pretty out there, and crank-fueled sentiment permeates.
Santa Cruz today could be described like New York was in the ’70s by the fictional movie character Travis Bickle: “All the animals come out at night … The city is like an open sewer… One day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets.” Travis was half right. They are also out during the day.
Charles Birimisa
The Unfriending
Re: “Pulling No Punches”: I had liked [Take Back Santa Cruz] on Facebook and followed their posts. I realize that the page can’t be monitored daily, but that didn’t make the hateful posts any more palatable. A very personal attack against me, during the discussion about the Warriors arena, made me unfriend them. Good luck to her in all that she is trying to do. We are vigilant in our own neighborhood, and for some of us, that’s the most we can do. You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
Inspired to Act
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the article about local hero Analicia Cube. She is changing the narrative in Santa Cruz, and it is about time. My family and I feel all the more safe knowing that such a caring woman is attempting to address the level of crime and cleanliness in the city. Santa Cruz is a wonderful place, but to ignore these two problems and to stand up for family safety without a political agenda and as a woman inspires me to do what I can, too. Keep up the good work, Analicia—the citizens of our town owe you a debt of gratitude for your service.
Maria Gomez