
Locals speak out against a new ordinance restricting street artists and weigh in on homeless programs.

Stepping on Speech

Re: “Street Fight” (Cover, Oct. 23): Those of us who call Santa Cruz home are especially appreciative of the cultural diversity of individual artists and musicians who entertain us downtown. Many of us, therefore, are incredulous at the new downtown ordinance “restricting artists, musicians and petitioners’” freedom of expression which even bans blankets on which artists may display their wares.

As Councilman Micah Posner, who with Councilman Don Lane voted against the ordinance, stated, these rules are “literally a curtailment of freedom of speech” and difficult to regulate (and enforce) without a measuring tape, T-square or other tools.”

If you agree that individuals seeking to share musical and artistic talents, or political views, have the same right to freedom of expression as brick and mortar merchants, join us in solidarity–in opposition to rules whose intent seems to be to wipe clean artistic creativity and freedom of speech from our downtown streets.

Louise Drummond

Santa Cruz

Performers Not the Problem

Re: “Street Fight”: The Santa Cruz City Council has responded to the call for greater security downtown by going after one of the great “downtown problems”…street performing.

After foolishly ordering all performers to stand on the curbside rather than the building side of the sidewalk, they have now increased the restricted zones to 14' from every building. They further restrict performers from standing or sitting near any drinking fountain, bench, trash container, map or information sign, sculpture or artwork, ATM machine … .

When did street performing in Santa Cruz become a “downtown problem”? Do they not have other problems in Santa Cruz? If you are angry or afraid, is this what you were calling for?

If not, please tell this City Council, downtown merchants and police. They believe that you want them to restrict performers. I believe that they are mistaken.

Tom Noddy

Santa Cruz


Not Far Enough

Re: “Do Homeless Programs Help?” (Currents, Oct. 16): Regarding your recent article on the 180/180 program and the question of whether it will accomplish its stated goals, while it is laudable that the program has been able to find housing for many of the most vulnerable people in our homeless community, the program cannot succeed without providing the truly “wrap around” social services these newly housed individuals need. The county in particular must understand that we need to spend money to save money; and that is acutely true with this program. It is fine thing to say that this innovative program will reduce medical costs countywide. It is quite another to make that a measurable reality.

Steve Pleich

Santa Cruz



Back in the Real World

Re: “Could This Be Cake’s Last Show?” (A&E, Oct. 16): What is it that the Google or Facebook babes in the wood actually “made?” What touchable, visible product did they labor over that brought them such massive wealth?  It didn’t require hours of heavy physical output, perhaps hours of no sleep.  Were they victim to the whims of nature, i.e., drought or floods or disease and famine?  Most of today’s entrepreneurial icons come from advantaged backgrounds, blue chip universities, never to suffer for the rest of their lives. Bright as hell? Yes. But will they now help solve the real problems of the 21st century?

Kathy Cheer

  • robert johnson

    having been homleess in this.  my home of chose from 1969 (89=now)  I think the new hate caMPAINE BY THE SO-CALLED CITY COUNCIL IS JUST ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO GARNER VOTES FROM A FRIGHTENED PUBLIC. TAX THE RICH, NOT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOTHING. ” we the people ” are getting a bit tired of the crap.

  • robert johnson

    having been homleess in this.  my home of chose from 1969 (89=now)  I think the new hate caMPAINE BY THE SO-CALLED CITY COUNCIL IS JUST ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO GARNER VOTES FROM A FRIGHTENED PUBLIC. TAX THE RICH, NOT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOTHING. ” we the people ” are getting a bit tired of the crap.