“The federal assault on California’s legal medical marijuana industry is an attack on the sovereignty of California and Californians,” writes one US congressional candidate from Mendocino County.
Affront to Dignity
Let me get this straight: an heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune holes up in Santa Cruz, where he makes an infinitesimal withdrawal from his mighty scrooge vault in order to produce a documentary alleging clandestine Jewish world domination. As his luck would have it, he chose one of the only counties in the country where such cloacal dribblings can receive a perceptibly positive public reception (or any public reception). And, according to Rico and Claire Baker (Posts, May 9), the journalist who points out Little Lord Fauntleroy's new clothes is the actual agent of disinformation in this scenario? To borrow the words of a man far wiser than me: history doesn't unfold according to some script. Actual people make everyday decisions at every socioeconomic level, across every profession and position of authority, due to varied and often disparate confluences of motives and influences across a staggeringly broad spectrum of same. Vague as it is, that proposition can be checked against a massive body of empirical evidence. Next to nothing of the hyper-minutia underpinning the meta-narrative of Thrive can be. It's a prick in one's dignity to have to be the one to reply to all this soft-headedness, but even when your interlocutor is a hippie who emotively supports the presidential candidacy of a Confederacy-nostalgia–propagating John Birch nutter with two first names, it still needs to be done, if only for the benefit of some third party standing off to the side.
Aaron Cress
Santa Cruz
Attack on Sovereignty
Legal medical marijuana dispensaries all over California have received orders from the U.S. Attorney’s office to go out of business within 30 days or face federal prosecution and asset forfeiture.
The federal assault on California’s legal medical marijuana industry is an attack on the sovereignty of California and Californians. It is clearly intended to destroy a legitimate source of livelihood for thousands of Californians, forcing patients who need medical marijuana to deal with outlaws.
Democratic President Obama recently stated his opposition to ending the prohibition of marijuana. The marijuana industry is a major source of income in Northern California, accounting for an estimated one-third of the total income in Mendocino County.
The federal government is building a police state by crushing legal medical marijuana, terrorizing local officials who try to regulate marijuana, and attacking marijuana growers and providers with an ever-expanding police force.
This ugly world of violence, corruption, economic waste and environmental destruction will grow unless we unite to stand in resistance. If we remain silent in the face of this federal assault on a legitimate California industry, who will they come for next?
As a candidate for U.S. Congress, I have sworn to uphold the constitutions of the United States and California. I demand that the U.S. government immediately stop and reverse its unconstitutional assault on the legal medical marijuana industry in California.
John Lewallen
Philo, Calif.