Our New Logo
Astute readers may have noticed a new look to the Santa Cruz Weekly flag last week. The logo was hand drawn by legendary Bay Area designer Jim Parkinson, who created the Doobie Brothers’ logo and nameplates for Rolling Stone, Esquire and Los Angeles magazines, among many others. The Parkinson family connection to Santa Cruz goes back a long way. A photograph in this week's paper shows his father and grandparents on Main Beach in front of the Cocoanut Grove Ballroom.
Livin’ The Paleo Dream
What a delight to see your cover article (“The Healthiest Guy in Town,” Jan. 25.html) about Karsten Mueller’s paleo way of life, and find out that I am not, after all, the only paleo in town. Though now (thanks to you!) I understand that there is a whole community here, I had found no meet-ups, support groups locally, nor met hardly a soul in town before now. I began this way of eating on my own this past summer, and have never looked back. This, mind you, after a lifetime of every diet, health plan, psychological, spiritual approach to food and strategy known to wo/mankind. Paleo eating is such an obvious choice that every time I go online I (inadvertently) stumble across a dozen new blogs/sites/social media pages related to it. The public is slowly waking up to the damaging propaganda of the food industry, and as we Occupy Our Food Choices, the tenets of this lifestyle will grow by leaps and bounds. With Santa Cruz County always on the leading edge of a healthy lifestyle, I’m confident that somehow the vegan/vegetarian base and the “pastured farm animals” factions may even find a merging of a new, healthy-for-all-way of eating and stewarding the earth and honoring each other’s choices. Thanks for giving it some well-deserved airtime.
Elizabeth Good